Interactive Timbre Pieces
I made 3 different sound using the synth at the end of Synthesizers. This vusualizes the elements of a sound and help me edit them. Here the amplitude, noise, pitch, envelop are so easy to change when making my sounds.
I also made a timbre in this website Pink Trombone. This seems to be a simulation of mouth, throat and a group of organs help us make sound to sing or talk. It makes it very clear how they work when we are making different sounds.
For Fracture Space which seems to be unavailable now, I watched the videos which shows a composition made of many samples that are visualized. I could see the 3d shape is changing as the pitch and other elements cganging. This is a very interesting way to visualize a sound and vivdly shows the change of sounds. I also saw a video thats shown a edition of a bird sound which is a real natural sound. Changing the interval make the bird keep shaking its head and making funny sounds.