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In this sketch, many fireworms fly in a dark night. You can add more fireworms by clicking mouse and also use your mouse to chase them. 

OOP is programming with objects. A class is the place where you can identify the behaviors and properties of an Object. A class is a blueprint, it provides the definition for an object, the definition says what are the properties and the behaviors of the object. When building a house, you start making the blueprint, in other words defining it’s properties and behaviors, and then, use this blueprint to build different houses, or more formally, different objects from the same blueprint.

In object-oriented programming, the program will be split into several small, manageable, reusable programs. Each small program has it’s own identity, data, logic and how it’s going to communicate with the rest of the other small programs. It would be great to use OOP when there should be a lot of repeated objects.

I created many circles. They have different sizes and different speeds. All of them are yellow just like fireworms in reality as properties. About methods, they can move refering user’s mouse and also change their sizes to imitate they are glowing. They can explode as well while clicking mouse.


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