Recitation 4: Actuators and Mechanisms

To build this mechanism and circuit, I paired up with Maryam and we choose to use white cardboard that is harder but thinner than the most common cardboard; we did worry that it might not work because it’s thinner, but it turns out working perfectly.

Here’s the code we’re using:

 Stepper Motor Control - one revolution

 This program drives a unipolar or bipolar stepper motor.
 The motor is attached to digital pins 8 - 11 of the Arduino.

 The motor should revolve one revolution in one direction, then
 one revolution in the other direction.

 Created 11 Mar. 2007
 Modified 30 Nov. 2009
 by Tom Igoe



const int stepsPerRevolution = 200;  // change this to fit the number of steps per revolution
// for your motor

// initialize the stepper library on pins 8 through 11:
Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 8, 9, 10, 11);

void setup() {
  // set the speed at 60 rpm:
  // initialize the serial port:

void loop() {
  // step one revolution  in one direction:

  // step one revolution in the other direction:


First, we took turn to build the circuit according to the diagram. Although the wiring is complicated, we managed to set up the IC in the correct direction and finish it smoothly thanks to the help of LAs. We were lucky that our code succeed in the first try and the motor start rotating. 

The next part is to build a cardboard mechanism. We glued the template onto the white cardboard and cut each part accordingly. By observeing the sample prototype, we assemblaged our version successfully. After connecting it with the motor, we runned the code and it started moving smoothly. 

To further decorate it, we changed the first into a kitten’s head, which fits the white cardboard well. The story we gave it is about a shy kitten that keeps popping its head out of the cave it lives to peek at what is going on in the world. 



Question 1: Choose an art installation mentioned in the reading ART + Science NOW, Stephen Wilson (Kinetics chapter). Post your thoughts about it and make a comparison with the work you did during this recitation. How do you think that the artist selected those specific actuators for his project?

The one made by Yoshinobu Nakano and his team intrigues me(Invisible–the shadow chaser), for it’s actually trying to imitate the existence by creating an illusion of the main body without giving a three-dimensional image.  It could be understood that it’s based on the concept of presenting the main body through accentuators but only indirectly, whereas our work is giving all the tangible/corporeal materials out here.  Therefore, the artist uses actuators that could vibrate to deliver the tactile sense, which is a clever way when one sense is deprived.  

Question 2: What kind of mechanism would you be interested in building for your midterm project? Explain your idea using a sketch (conceptual or technical) with a list of materials that you plan to use. Include details about the ways that you expect the user to embrace in physical interaction with your project. In particular, explain how would your motor (or motors) with a mechanism will be different than using animation on a digital screen.

We didn’t include motors in our project. This project is intended as an interactive keyboard; each button is for one musical note. When being played, it will memorize the tune played in one minute, and the led of the according to note will flash in the exact same order to give a visual response to the player. 

Midterm Project: Individual Proposal

Interactive Keyboard–A Music Game

This project is designed as an interactive music game. The main body of the keyboard is created using cardboard, and distance sensors would be placed on it. These sensors are each connected to different buzzers that could produce different notes. When a sensor is activated, the led would flashed to indicated this action. By exploring these invisible buttons, the player is able to create their own melody. 

Group Research Project: Make, Perform & Report

First, our group exchanged our ideas on the three stories and shared our imaginative artefacts. After a discussion, we decided to work on Morgan’s idea:

…an interactive bed where patients lie down, and a holographic schematic of their bodies’ autonomy appears above them. It would also highlight where an infection may be centralized in the body and propose remedies for various illnesses based on the nature of the diagnosis.

This concept is derived from The Plague by Yang Leisheng, a world that is plagued by a nameless disease that turned people into stone. This device would function as an examination to decide whether a person is “stoned” or not, and upload this essential personal health information into a database controlled by the government. Since the original idea of a bed would be too much to accomplish with the limited materials, we decided to change it into a wearable armour-like device on the hand that functions the same. The design of this armour has many references to the armour in Ironman as well as Pip-boy in the Fallout series. I personally contribute to creating the prototype, revising the main storyline and fleshing out details of the plot.

In making the prototype, Morgan is our main designer as he found blueprints references for the cardboard main body, and we followed these blueprints to make according to cardboard parts.  We then assembled these components using glue guns. For the screen that shows the scanning result of people, we decide to draw the whole setting by hand. 

The finished product was pretty much what we had in our heads, it contains an upper part that could move upwards and downwards. One thing to note is that the linkages were delicate so we had to be extra careful when putting on and off the device; it was actually broken during our first rehearsal and we tried several ways to reinforce the structure successfully. 



Narrator: Jason/Morgan
2 Crows: Maryam (with the sensor)
Frida (killer)
3 victims/participants : Jason (not-stoned) (best friend to Morgan)
Shake (stoned) (best friend to Morgan)
Morgan (half stoned) (best friend)

Narration 20s
Scene 1: The Decision 2 min
Scene 2: Fight or Flight 40s
Scene 3:
Ending: Ask 2-3 members of the audience if they want to partake in the game
Take videos

Narrator: Jason/Morgan
2 Crows: Maryam (with the sensor)
Frida (killer)
3 victims/participants : Jason (not-stoned) (best friend to Morgan)
Shake (stoned) (best friend to Morgan)
Morgan (half stoned) (best friend)
Mock Script
Narrator: In this apocalyptic world, there is a deadly virus that infects people through bodily contact. Once affected, the victims turns into stone at various rates. To prevent further outbreak, all citizens will be subjected and forced to oblige to random health checks at all times.

Jason runs into the circle, and begins as the first patient getting tested
Shake stands in the middle, being the stoned
Morgan will stand at the opposite end, being half-stoned

Crows: YOU THREE, stop right now! You are now subjected to a random mandatory health check from the government.

Crow full scans Jason, and says he’s good
Crow full scans Shake, and beeps for discrepancy! Shake will drop to his knees, and “die”
Now, crow will scan Morgan, who is half stoned, and he runs away
*running motion from morgan* *he gets caught*

Morgan: No! Please don’t kill me! I have family at home, and my TWO friends who are with me!

Jason and Shake runs up, now they are his friends

Jason and Shake: No! Don’t kill Morgan! He’s such a good friend, husband, ….

*Killer Crow will hesitate, and ask the audience: Should I kill him? *
*Audience speaks*

Sensor Crow: For the sake of our society and our job, just kill him!

Killer Crow: *hesitates*, FINE. *hits and kills morgan*
*scene 1 is over, narrator runs back to the whiteboard to prepare the second scene*

Narrator: With Morgan being killed, the two friends of his are angry. As a result, they seek to take revenge. But, how would they do that without a weapon?

*Scene Two Starts*
*Morgan is now a dead crow, who lays on the ground with the sensor*

Shake: Hey, this is our perfect chance to get revenge! Let’s snatch this right off of him.
Jason: Are you sure? I’m also mad, but this isn’t the greatest idea, we could end up like Morgan . . .

Shake: Of course! Hurry up, take the sensor off of him
*Jason takes the sensor off of Morgan and wears it for himself*
*Then, the two other crows will appear . . . they are off-duty without sensors
*Suddenly, Shake comes from the back and hits both of them onto the ground*
Crows: What do you want?? (scared and panick) What you’re doing is illegal!
Shake: I don’t care! You murdered my best friend.
Crows: It was for the sake of the world
Jason: Audience, do I kill the crows who murdered my best friend, or keep them alive?
*depending on the audiences response*
You know what, I will not be like you . . . Killing you will not bring Morgan back, or any joy out of me. Stop this ridicious killing and find a cure to the virus!

Morgan – After five months of extensive research, a cure was finally found for the virus. Humanity lives, and the crows & civilans who worked together are given a Nobel Peace Price.

Interactive: Ask 3-4 members in the audience if they would like to particpate. Scan them, and them randomly diagnose them with stoned/not stoned. It would be a random fun activity to do…

We had three meetings to rehearse the whole scene; the teamwork was really great, as we all found the most suitable parts for ourselves and enjoyed performing this hilarious scene.


On the presentation day, there was a group that created a piece that resembles a 3D Virtual Reality Headset connected with a pair of sensor gloves, which impressed me. One person would wear the headset, and he would descript what he saw, heard, and even felt in this imaginative virtual reality. It was based on the immersive laser projectors in The Veldt. The decoration of the headset was done carefully and artistically, and the way they imitated the real VR headset by adding human interactions (singing, touching, using different images) conveyed the idea of interaction, as well as people’s potential experience during this sort of interaction perfectly. 


Recitation 3: Sensors

Step 1: Prepare your tilt sensor

Task #1: Solder

The goal of this task is to prepare the sensor.  For this step, I first tried to wind up the wires with the sensors, and then use the electrical tape to fixate the soldered parts; finally, I use soldering guns to successfully solder them together. 

Task #2:

Connect the tilt sensor cables to your Arduino using a capacitor as the circuit diagram: The circuit is a relatively easy one, so it didn’t take long, but I still ask the LA for help the first time for I misread the part that lead to the sensor and the ground. After correctly understanding that there are two wires connected to the ground, I finished the circuit. 

Task #3: Program

This step only requires copying the code and testing it on our arduino; it went pretty smooth.

Step 2: Refine the code

Task #1:

“Upload the following sketch to only print 1 when the tilt sensor changes from 0 to 1, and 0 when from 1 to 0”. It’s also a simple one and I run the code successfully. 

Step 3: Wear your sensor

“Fix the tilt switch using paper tape to your body, making it a wearable sensor. The sensor should be along your forearm, so that you can use it to detect when your forearm is facing up.” 

For this part, I just taped the sensor I soldered before to my forearm and tried to move it up and down. It worked well and the monitor showed values between 0 to 1. 


Step 4: Bicep Curl Workout!

Unfortunately, I accidentally overwrote the code I saved in class, so I only got some videos to prove that I achieved these tasks. 

Task #1: Add a conditional to your sketch so that it shows a message on the Serial Monitor only when a full biceps curl has been completed.

<iframe src=”” width=”640″ height=”480″ allow=”autoplay”></iframe>

Task #2: Count the curls, adding one to its value every time that the user does a complete bicep curl. 

To modify the code, I firstly declared a global variable named “total”, and then I wrote “total == total + 1”, which means adding one to the total every time a full bicep curl is finished.  

Task #3: Set a limit to the variable so that when the total reaches 8, Print “Yay, you’ve done one set of curls”. 

The result is as followed: