According to Ritchin, “fluidity of the digital” means that data is ubiquitous and pervasive like water. Where there are people, there is data. And where there is no one, there is still data. “fluidity of the digital” is an inherent fundamental attribute and a sufficient condition for determining the value of data elements. If the data does not flow, it means that the data cannot be applied, and in theory, the data will be worthless. Special graphic image recognition technology in digital imaging is a good example of this. It specializes in the processing of huge and meaningful data to accurately locate single images and obtain final recognition results. However, it can’t achieve this without the “fluidity of the digital”. Because one advantage brought by the “fluidity of the digital”is that it can extract information and knowledge hidden in massive data to provide a basis for human socio-economic activities, which is needed for the development of non-destructive digital imaging technology.
The camera’s ability to capture reality is limited. The camera has a strong ability to capture highlights, but it can’t capture shadow details well. As the light signal decreased, the noise began to soar rapidly. Noise is a random expression of the brightness of the real signal pixels of the picture. When the sensor can’t see clearly, it begins to give a random value randomly, resulting in noise. Therefore, when below a certain brightness, the image may be damaged by noise, so that the details in the shadows are not accurately captured.
“Books are cameras that can record the history of ten thousand years.” Actually, the book is an accurate description of the text, and the camera is the accurate presentation of the picture. Both are very accurate in capturing reality. But the camera can only capture one moment, and the book can capture the whole process. This is the difference between time period and time point. The advantage of the camera is to make a picture more intuitive and specific. However, words can only rely on the fictional imagination and experience in the human brain to imagine how the real picture happens.
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