The Uncertainty of Documentarism Post

 When Steyerl mentions an “unbroken belief” in the documentary images that we see in today’s news coverage, this is basically mentioning how we live in a world that needs to be heavily doubted for it to even be considered truth. In the past, people have had that “unbroken belief” that everything they have been fed was the truth and with the newer technology today, we have to question that. We see in today’s society, we desire more of an intense news coverage or document versus accuracy because we are consumed with the drama that follows. This is how truth can feed fiction, in a way, because rumors and falsities flow out of a smidgen of truth and vis versa. Authenticity is rare to come by but still alive in the documentation process if done correctly. When documenting images or film, the accuracy needs to be spot on so the audience will be consuming correct information. 

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