Digital and Physical Convergence
Deziree Harmon
Christian Grewell
My project goal was to create a unique interaction between digital portrayals of reality and reality itself. With this in mind, I wanted the user to have a control over the presented display. My initial idea allowed the user to control how the audio and camera inputs sounded and appeared based on the user’s responses. This idea explored the question of how our world appears if it is displayed digitally. However, I ran into major roadblocks in developing this project. For example, I created code that allowed the user to control the speed of a moving ball that bounces across the screen. The speed input would then impact the speed of the camera images. When I combined the two factors, the program became slow and glitchy so that it wasn’t functioning. Other issues included the camera freezing and the arduino not working correctly. While working, I had the idea of changing my idea a bit so that it instead explored the different ways that the computer can understand us. I then started ideating and playing with code.
In the end, I decided to make an artistic portrayal of how the digital world is becoming so intertwined with reality to us. To do this I built a tangible setting representing reality and a digital setting. They interacted with each other but the user also interacts with the digital realm representing the ways that digitized settings are becoming just as interactive and potentially encompassing as real settings.
I used processing to create a realistic setting that is relatable, a classic living room with a Christmas Tree. The user is able to interact with different parts of the room.
Most of my fabrication was done with the goal of making a setting that people can relate to in order to fully portray the way that settings we are familiar with are becoming present digitally. I used LED lights because of their familiarity in such a setting.
Building Process
I used a laser cutter to cut out the necessary shapes for the walls of the room that I built and then used other forms of fabrication (clay models and fabric) to make the setting seem like a home.
Final Working Product
The goal of this project was to portray the shift that is occurring to reality being in the digital realm. My project achieved its goal but at a very basic level which could be expanded upon. If I had more time I would create more interactions between processing and arduino and also make the coded setting look more realistic.
While working on my initial idea I broke down the parts of the project and tried to compile them too quickly so that it was much more difficult to understand what was going wrong. When my project idea shifted I put an emphasis on doing one step at a time, making sure things are working at a very basic level and then build upon them. This would have saved me a lot of trouble and time with the first idea.
It is important to reflect on the way that technology is influencing our realities. This project is a base for potential thorough reflection. The settings we see every day can be easily recreated digitally. This allows us to find connection, comfort, and interaction in a digital setting. It is fun and reminiscent and the dangers of such a shift are usually ignored because of that.
import processing.serial.*; //Song used : The Christmas Song - Nat King Cole (sax cover Graziatto) //Youtube link import processing.sound.*; import*; Movie myMovie; boolean playSound = true; // declare a SoundFile object SoundFile sound; int NUM_OF_VALUES_FROM_PROCESSING = 3; /** YOU MUST CHANGE THIS ACCORDING TO YOUR PROJECT **/ int processing_values[] = new int[NUM_OF_VALUES_FROM_PROCESSING]; /** this array stores values you might want to send to Arduino **/ Serial myPort; String myString; int led = 0; int record = 0; int sleigh = 0; int fire = 0; int x = 0; int y1 = 610; int y2 = 615; int y3 = 630; PImage photo; PImage couch, puppy; void setup() { size(1450, 900, P3D); background(#E3EDF0); noStroke(); noCursor(); setupSerial(); sound = new SoundFile(this, "christmasSong.mp3"); photo = loadImage("santa.png"); couch = loadImage("sofa.png"); puppy = loadImage("puppy.png"); } void draw() { lights(); background(#FFFBDB); fill(#FAE121); star(mouseX, mouseY, 10, 20, 5); //floor noStroke(); fill(#6F4923); rect(0, 680, width, height); rug(); tree(); noStroke(); star(150, 100, 10, 35, 5); presents(); window(); // snow(); recordPlayer(); playRecord(); //santa(); translate(-100, 250); fireplace(); couch.resize(300, 350); image(couch, 850, 400); calendar(); lightFire(); } void setupSerial() { // printArray(Serial.list()); myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[3], 9600); myPort.clear(); // Throw out the first reading, // in case we started reading in the middle of a string from the sender. myString = myPort.readStringUntil( 10 ); // 10 = '\n' Linefeed in ASCII myString = null; } void sendSerialData() { String data = ""; for (int i=0; i<processing_values.length; i++) { data += processing_values[i]; //if i is less than the index number of the last element in the values array if (i < processing_values.length-1) { data += ","; // add splitter character "," between each values element } //if it is the last element in the values array else { data += "\n"; // add the end of data character linefeed "\n" } } //write to Arduino myPort.write(data); print(data); // this prints to the console the values going to arduino }
void tree() { fill(#46861C); triangle(150, 100, 250, 250, 50, 250); triangle(150, 200, 300, 380, 0, 380); triangle(150, 310, 360, 550, -60, 550); print(mouseX, mouseY); if (led == 1) { fill(#FA2121); } else { fill(#E9EAA3); } //translate(-100, -100); ellipse(114, 198, 10, 20); ellipse(206, 305, 10, 20); ellipse(87, 310, 10, 20); // ellipse(146, 444, 10, 20); ellipse(272, 480, 10, 20); ellipse(136, 503, 10, 20); ellipse(30, 474, 10, 20); if (led == 1) { fill(#42C60A); } else { fill(#E9EAA3); } ellipse(181, 196, 15, 25); ellipse(155, 338, 15, 25); //ellipse(99, 419, 10, 20); // ellipse(212, 402, 10, 20); ellipse(208, 500, 15, 25); ellipse(74, 493, 15, 25); if (led == 1) { fill(#FA2121, 90); } else { noFill(); } //translate(-100, -100); ellipse(114, 198, 15, 25); ellipse(206, 305, 15, 25); ellipse(87, 310, 15, 25); // ellipse(146, 444, 10, 20); ellipse(272, 480, 15, 25); ellipse(136, 503, 15, 25); ellipse(30, 474, 15, 25); if (led == 1) { fill(#42C60A, 90); } else { fill(#E9EAA3); } ellipse(181, 196, 20, 30); ellipse(155, 338, 20, 30); //ellipse(99, 419, 10, 20); // ellipse(212, 402, 10, 20); ellipse(208, 500, 20, 30); ellipse(74, 493, 20, 30); //bulbs // ellipse( fill(#F2EC2C); stroke(0); } void lights() { if (mousePressed) { float d = dist(527, 585, mouseX, mouseY); if (d<20) { led = 1; } } if (led == 1) { processing_values[0] = 1; } else { processing_values[0] = 0; } sendSerialData(); } void playRecord() { if (mousePressed) { float d = dist(680, 640, mouseX, mouseY); if (d<100) { record = 1; } } if (record==1) { if (playSound == true) { // play the sound; // and prevent it from playing again by setting the boolean to false playSound = false; } } } void santa() { translate(-100, 250); photo.resize(400, 150); float d = dist(705, 250, mouseX, mouseY); if (d<250) { sleigh = 1; } if (sleigh ==1) { image(photo, x, 100); x = x+3; } } void presents() { //presents stroke(0); outlet(); stroke(0); strokeWeight(2); fill(#F2EC2C); translate(400, 730); box(50); translate(-400, -730); translate(300, 750); box(40, 100, 50); //cursor } void fireplace() { stroke(#402E22); fill(#67432C); translate(200, 0); quad(1350, -55, width-50, -55, width-50, 750, 1350, 630); quad(1350, -55, 1400, -55, width, -55, width, -55); quad(width-50, -55, width-50, 750, width, 780, width, -55); //translate(0,-55); fill(0); quad(1350, 630, 1350, 400, 1385, 440, 1385, 725); } void calendar() { fill(250); rect(1000, 130, 200, 150); rect(1000, 190, 200, 30); rect(1000, 250, 200, 30); rect(1000, 220, 200, 30); // rect(100, 160, 200, 30); fill(#BC0823); rect(1000, 130, 200, 30); fill(0); textSize(24); text("DECEMBER", 1045, 155); }
void star(float x, float y, float radius1, float radius2, int npoints) { float angle = TWO_PI / npoints; float halfAngle = angle/2.0; beginShape(); for (float a = 0; a < TWO_PI; a += angle) { float sx = x + cos(a) * radius2; float sy = y + sin(a) * radius2; vertex(sx, sy); sx = x + cos(a+halfAngle) * radius1; sy = y + sin(a+halfAngle) * radius1; vertex(sx, sy); } endShape(CLOSE); } void outlet() { noStroke(); fill(#89888B); rect(419, 465, 35, 40); fill(#212121); line(432, 470, 432, 482); line(441, 470, 441, 482); rect(434, 490, 7, 7); translate(-100, -100); if (led ==0) { curve(437, 687, 352, 683, 468, 712, 450, 600); curve(537, 577, 468, 712, 537, 687, 512, 720); rect(528, 663, 15, 30); } if (led == 1) { rect(529, 570, 15, 30); stroke(0); strokeWeight(5); line(437, 687, 535, 594); line(352, 683, 437, 687); strokeWeight(1); } } void window() { fill(#0C1383); strokeWeight(20); stroke(#FAF297); translate(-400, -950); rect(600, 300, 400, 300); line(800, 300, 800, 600); line(600, 450, 1000, 450); strokeWeight(1); } void recordPlayer() { stroke(#2E2303); strokeWeight(3); fill(#3E2F06); translate(800, 870); box(130, 130, 130); fill(#BC0823); translate(10, -90); box(80, 30, 130); fill(0); rect(680, 560, 20, 10); noStroke(); translate(-810, -780); ellipse(810, 750, 60, 30); fill(255, 0, 0); ellipse(810, 750, 25, 10); fill(0); ellipse(810, 750, 10, 5); strokeWeight(5); stroke(100); if (record == 0) { line(773, 770, 798, 740); //stroke(250); //curve(802, 770, 795, 755, 818, 760, 815, 765); } if (record == 1) { line(773, 770, 793, 753); stroke(250); //pushMatrix(); //translate(width*0.02, height*0.05); //rotate(frameCount / 200.0); //curve(802, 770, 800, 755, 818, 758, 815, 760); //popMatrix(); } } void rug() { translate(100, 100); fill(#6F4923); noStroke(); rect(100, 550, 100, 90); fill(#D12A00); stroke(#AF2502); ellipse(140, 600, 300, 60); ellipse(1150, 650, 200, 90); fill(#A22100); noStroke(); ellipse(1150, 650, 140, 40); puppy.resize(100,75); image(puppy,1100,600); noStroke(); } void lightFire() { fill(#291C04); // rotate(PI/4); quad(1350, 610, 1380, 645, 1380, 655, 1350, 620); quad(1350, 620, 1380, 640, 1380, 650, 1350, 630); line(1360, 620, 1386, 665); line(1360, 630, 1386, 685); line(1360, 635, 1386, 680); if (mousePressed) { float d = dist(1360, 500, mouseX, mouseY); if (d<200) { fire=1; } } if (fire == 1) { noStroke(); float r = random(230, 255); float g = random(0, 180); float b = random (7, 10); float rad = random(10, 30); float large1 = random(10, 50); float large2 = random(10, 50); float large3 = random(10, 50); fill(r, g, b); ellipse(1360, y1, rad, large1); ellipse(1370, y2, rad, large2); ellipse(1375, y3, rad, large3); //y1 =y1-2; //y2 = y2-3; //y3 = y3-5; } }