The first script is quite simple: I just change the transparency of the background to make the appearance of the circles looks like raindrops.The second script I asked for help from my professor Moon. There is problem with my first version as the ball does move but it just moves in the corner of the canvas, so Moon taught me to add odds to the movements, and then the ball started to move across the canvas. The third script I utilize the noise function from the extra slides and I alao changed the parameter of the noise value to make the circle tile on the canvas.
For my midterm project, I decided to combine the three scripts and I will elaborate on my ideas. I will use the first script as my background and I will refer to the movement in the second script as the movement for my main character. As for the third one, I want it to be a part of my project, for example, when the frameCount or other conditions are satisfied, the background in the third script will appear.
For further development, I have come up with some elements to put in my midterm project.The first one is that there is a certain condition where the colors on the canvas will change from black and white to different colors, and I’m still working on how to combine this condition to my concept. The second one is different weather. As I want to use the rainy one as my background, it inspires me to improve my code to create different weathers in the dreamland(like the heaviness of the rain or sunny weather). The third one is the ending. As I currently want to add an ending part to my project and maybe different choice of the main character will trigger different endings. But this may be kind of hard, so I will just try to accomplish this one.