Mini Project 3. Generative Motion

script1- a rainy day:


script3-neon light-

Description: This project is to develop a sketch with a generative animation that explores various types of motion by utilizing variables and math functions in p5.js.



The first script is quite simple: I just change the transparency of the background to make the appearance of the circles looks like raindrops.

The second script I asked for help from my professor Moon. There is problem with my first version as the ball does move but it just moves in the corner of the canvas, so Moon taught me to add odds to the movements, and then the ball started to move across the canvas,

The third script I utilize the noise function from the extra slides and I alao changed the parameter of the noise value to make the circle tile on the canvas.


In this project, I created three script for my project A and through these scripts, I found a couple of inspirations for my midterm project. I also discovered that a single movement looks a little dull and I want to try more diferent  movements and timing in my midterm project.


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