Story of Your Life

1. How do aliens in the story language and communication style different from the human language (oral, pictographic, phonetic, etc.)?

The aliens language is a very monotone where every noise sounds very similar. This is quite different to the human language since when we speak often times we speak with many different tones and inflections in ones voice. The aliens also. communicate through the use of characters, this is not different from human forms of communication since characters have been used since the ancient. Egyptians to communicate and is still used today in many languages around the world. Where the human and alien languages differ in terms of their written form is the fact that human languages are meant to be ready line by line where as the alien language is meant to be read in two dimensions.

2. How does the physical structure of our body inform the way we communicate? How about the aliens?

Us as humans can only communicate based on what we already know and can only take in the information one moment at a time. Humans are limited in the fact that they do not know what is going to happen but instead only know what has happened. On the other hand the aliens no everything that has happened and everything that is ever going to happen to them, this allows them to communicate with all information at once since they operate simultaneously.  


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