Christian Franke, Shanghai reflections
The concept for my design was to show some famous buildings around Shanghai. The picture I started with was a picture of the pearl tower, which is probably the most famous building in Shanghai. After I had this picture I took pictures of other famous or interesting buildings that are found all over Shanghai. I wanted to try and make some sort of reflection effect to try and portray the huangpu river. Furthermore I lined the buildings up so that they would follow the rough shape of the pearl tower.
The process of photography was just taking a centered straight on picture of the building. In creating the image I removed the background from all of the pictures and then lined up all of the buildings by height. After lining them all up I ordered them so that they would roughly follow the shape of the pearl tower. I copied that line up and then flipped it over and added a distortion effect to make it look like a reflection in the water.
If I had more time I would try and manipulate the pictures of the buildings to fit in the outline of the pearl tower better to make that stand out more.