The Force Awakens From It’s Nap Storyboard

Scene 1 shot 1

Head on shot introducing the two main characters

Scene 1 shot 2

Establishing shot of the school as the characters arrive at their location

Scene 2 shot 1

Low shot giving the perspective of the kids and on the doors hinting at the theme for the rest of the short

Scene 2 shot 2

Establishing shot of the kids introducing the main theme of the short

Scene 2 shot 3

Introducing more of the environment

Scene 2 shot 4

Show the things that will become important later (lightsabers and the force)

Scene 2 shot 5

Continuing to establish the schools environment by showing a child being punished

Scene 2 shot 6

Same camera angle but showing the aftermath of the punishment

Scene 2 shot 7

Robot changing a diaper

Scene 3 shot 1

Wide shot showing Maggie afraid at being left alone

Scene 3 shot 2

over the shoulder shot showing Maggie meeting a new friend

Scene 3 shot 3

Wide shot showing the robot and Maggie playing together

Scene 3 shot 4

Wide shot of the robot running away and Maggie loosing it in the crowd

Scene 3 shot 5

Cut to the robot in the crowd coming towards the camera being bumped by others

Scene 3 shot 6

the robots clear a path for the robot to Maggie over the head shot

Scene 3 shot 7

Side shot of Maggie and the robot reconciling 

Scene 3 shot 8

A close up face shot

shadows become more pronounced 

Scene 4 shot 1

Robot falls towards the camera revealing a shadowy figure and a lightsaber in the robots back

Scene 4 shot 2

low shot

The bad guy reveals himself and holds up the lightsaber in an attack position

Scene 4 shot 3

Wide shot

Maggie and the bad guy charge at each other beginning a battle

Scene 4 shot 4

High shot showing Maggie leaping up 

Scene 4 shot 5

low shot showing the bad guy having power over Maggie who is laying on the ground

Scene 5 shot 1

Over the head shot showing the ghost of Maggie floating

Scene 6 shot 1

the ghost of other characters with credits rolling



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