I had a lot of fun working on this project, I really enjoyed messing around with html and CSS to try and create a website. In the beginning my website looked really basic and honestly not very pleasing to look at, but then as I began to look more into CSS and what it can do. With CSS and html being older there has been plenty of time for people master the use of them and upload all their knowledge onto google. Whenever I ran into trouble or wanted to figure out how to make my website look more modern or exciting I would goole inspiration. One of the hardest things to implement in my website was the curves in between each section, they were easy to create but finding the right placement for them was a lot of trial and error but in the end it makes my website look a lot better and more modern. A surprisingly easy part of my website was creating the animations, CSS does a lot of the work for you as long as you give it a start and end point for the animation. However, because making the curves look good took longer than I expected I spent a majority of my time creating my homepage, so while my homepage looks really cool and modern once you click off and into the other sub-pages I created look really basic and don’t have a lot of visually entertaining elements. If I had more time I would’ve liked to make the pages with the lyrics look more interesting, and add more interactive elements.