CE – Reflection of Presentation

Regarding my topic 5G, in my speech, I mainly embody the convenience of 5G high-speed Internet browsing. And when the wireless network connection speed can reach this high speed, what are the new applications that will be produced in various fields. But from my audience feedback, I learned a lot of different points, which I haven’t considered yet.

1. There may be different stakeholders. The stakeholders considered in the system I set up are people who use 5G networks, but the audience’s suggestion to me is whether they can consider some people. Their purpose is to sell 5G connections to you. If you start from this point, after the stakeholder changes, the system mapping will also change. Local telecom operators generally sell 5G, and they provide ordinary people with various speed and traffic restricted network connections. For them, 5G is pure business, not technology, not fashion. Business will involve money. People need to spend money to get 5G. Then the system will map economy, and so on. This will be a bigger topic.

2. Meanwhile, for different stakeholders, they will also care about different aspects of the same thing. Although 5G highlights high-speed Internet access, after careful investigation, it may also affect people’s health. Compared with 4G, 5G has a smaller signal area covered by each base station, which means that more 5G base stations are needed to cover the same area. However, as long as it is a communication device, electromagnetic radiation will be generated during operation, and electromagnetic radiation will cause certain harm to the human body. As the number of base stations increases, the amount of electromagnetic radiation is bound to increase and cause greater health hazards to the surrounding residents. This can also be considered as the negative impact of 5G on people, and so on, are there more negative impacts on 5G? I may need to understand and research more deeply.

3. Regarding my speech, the teacher also put forward suggestions that can combine metaphor and guide together. This can not only explain what 5G is, what is the difference between 4G, 3G, and 2G, but also let the audience intuitively understand why 5G is faster than other link methods. For example, a truck can be compared to 3G, an ordinary family car can be compared to 4G, and a sports car can be compared to 5G, so that the audience can understand the key to my research on this subject from the guide: speed.

In summary, 5G not only has its positive side, but also contains flaws. When I study a thing, I should look at it from all angles, and discover all its implications. I hope that in the next stage, I can study a subject in a more in-depth and comprehensive manner.

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