CE – Public/Audiences

My topic is cigarettes. For most people, smoking is harmful to them. But for others, such as the government, the existence of cigarettes may be essential. Therefore, the connotation of my case varies for different public.

When the public is a teenager, smoking is very harmful to them, and I will publicize that it should be completely eliminated. Smoking easily induces bad behaviors, such as playing truant, playing games, gambling, and being mentally empty. You can only rely on smoking to kill time, which is not conducive to the learning and growth of young people. Smoking increases one’s own financial burden, and young people have no independent income, and they tend to embark on the path of crime, such as theft and robbery. Smoking damages the body of young people. Young people smoke too early, which severely damaged body cells, decreases their memory, loses energy, and is unable to concentrate on studying. Smoking can cause damage to the lungs, mouth, digestive tract, and heart. It may be serious. Lead to premature aging.

When the public is an overstressed adult, I may consider from the perspective of alleviating mental stress and suggest a small amount of smoking. For example, smoke 1 to 2 cigarettes only when the mental stress is too high. But again, as long as you smoke, it is 100% harmful to your health. It’s just that a small amount of smoking is less harmful than long-term heavy smoking. Therefore, my project still warns such people not to smoke.

The above two situations are directly smokers, and the third type of public is directly related to cigarettes, but does not smoke. It is the governments of various countries. As we all know, government policy is always based on complete information and calculations. For cigarettes, you may not dare to imagine how comprehensive the government’s calculations are.

British drama [Yes, Prime Minister] the third episode of the first season.

Humphrey: “Tobacco revenue is the main source of taxation.”

Prime Minister: “It is also a major source of fatal diseases. The diseases caused by smoking cost the Ministry of Health 165 million and claim 100,000 lives each year.”

Humphrey: “Yes, but if these 100,000 people survive, they will need more pension and social insurance than medical expenses.”

From a financial point of view, maintaining the current mortality rate couldn’t be better. Without calculating the value of life itself, the answer is: Yes, smokers are the source of money. It provides tobacco taxes and reduces the country’s pension expenditures. Although it sounds scary, this may be the ulterior reason why governments around the world are unwilling to ban smoking. Therefore, for the government, they want people to continue smoking.


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