D4C MIMA OpenCall Final Project – DreamLab (Final Blog Post)



Dreams are extremely absurd and absurd, scientists have never looked at them squarely. However, dreams did help scientists. For example, when chemists discovered benzene molecules, they were inspired by dreams. There was an emperor in the Han Dynasty named Emperor Han Ming. He dreamed that a person came to his dream with a bow and arrow on his back. The minister analyzed that it was a Buddhist character, so Emperor Han Ming sent envoys to India to welcome the monks and built the first building in China, the White Horse Temple. The impact of dreams on mankind is still great.

The study of modern dreams initially entered the academic field of vision, thanks to a psychoanalyst, Freud’s “The Study of Dreams.” As a good material for studying the subconscious, the interest in dream research began to spread from the psychology world to the science world.

Modern brain science is very preliminary and superficial to dream research. Research shows that both humans and mammals dream. Everyone dreams every night. When dreaming, the eyes move quickly, which is called the eye movement sleep cycle. In rapid eye movement and research has shown that waking up the dreamer during the night dreaming period will cause emotional problems in the long term. It seems that dreaming has something to do with human processing emotions and emotions.

It is really not easy to explain the principles of dreams clearly. Because it involves the working principle of the brain and the science of mind. In the field of philosophy and religion, there are many statements about dreams. 

Based on all those backgrounds, my partner and I would like to build up a DreamLab to participate in the open call of MIMA’s fall exhibition season.


The First Step: We have sit down and brainstormed our project, worked together and completed our MindBoard via Miro.



Second Step: After some research, dig deeper, data collections etc., we drew down our StoryBoard above via Storyboarder software. 

Here is the Story behind our Open-Call project:

It is said that in the seventh year of Yongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty, when Emperor Zhuang Liu of Han Ming stayed overnight, he dreamed of a golden figure with a bright head coming from the west. The next day, Emperor Han Ming told the minister of this dream. Doctor Fu Yi said: Emperor Han Ming sent an envoy to the Western Regions to pray for Buddhism. After the envoy left Luoyang, he met the Indian monks She Morten and Zhufalan in the Great Moon Kingdom, and sincerely asked the monks to go east to China to promote Buddhism. The two eminent monks came to Luoyang with a white horse carrying Buddhist scriptures. Emperor Ming of Han was very courteous to the two eminent monks and arranged for them to stay temporarily in the official government office Hongshe Temple and ordered to build a monastery outside Luoyang Xiyongmen. To commemorate the White Horse Tuo Sutra, the built temple was named “White Horse Temple”, and the White Horse Temple became the first symbol of Buddhism in China.

Third Step: After bunch of discussions, we’ve decided the device, tech tools and mood of our DreamLab project. We’ve made our Moodboards via Photoshop.

Device/Tech Tool:

Device: Discovery, Narrate and Amplification

As we all know, different people under different situations could have different dreams depending on different timelines. Based on this to well present our open call project, we would like to use different devices to present different kinds of dreams. The main device we’d like to use is discovery, which not only presents the dreams or information, but also collects, data driven, returns us and analyzes the big data. Discovery will help us find some inner world, what’s the relationship between our individual, internal, external, physical space and virtual world etc. We are gonna use some hi-tech devices and equipment to achieve this point. Such as brain scanner machines, Kinect, leapmotion, big data collections, databank, databases and data analyzer etc., which helps the audience to explore the world of dreams and build up the dream databank to achieve data driven the whole project. DreamLab will discover and present what is dream. Meanwhile, we would also use metaphor, juxtaposition, narrate and amplification to assist present the details and specifics. Dream is a mysterious metaphor,nobody knows what will happen during your dreaming. Therefore, in our project, we will make and show some abstract and mysterious pictures to present how powerful a dream is. Audience will feel the magic of dreams from the visual effects that DreamLab designs. Apart from that, dreams are diverse, it could be positive, could be negative, could be happiness, could be horrible. So we can say this juxtaposition of good things and bad things always run through our dream. Then in our gallery, you will see strong contrast in content in order to attract the audience. All above is what we plan our devices would be to share a great gallery. In the tooling side, we would use Ai training, adobe creative suite, writing, paint and film maker etc to juxtapose, narrate and represent people’s dreams. Through AR, VR devices, immersive and interactive games to achieve amplification and optimize audience experience.

Mood: Mysterious, Curious

In terms of mood, due to the diversity and variability of dreams, we intend to better present my project through a variety of mood methods, which includes mysterious, curious etc. Most dreams are mysterious, and there are certain reasons and reasons for dreaming, and many people have doubts about these. Not everyone’s dreams are colored, research points out that most people’s dreams are black and white. This is due to our brain’s unknown function. But connecting to our DreamLab project, this point will guide us to a little dark color of the project. On the other hand, why is there a feeling of deja vu in the dream? This is because dreams are created through the memory network, which can inspire a sense of familiarity. We recognize a scene without explicitly remembering or understanding why. This proves the mystery of dreams from the other side. Meanwhile, we are all curious about dreams due to its mystery. This leads to the second part of our project. DreamLab can dig deep to study and share knowledge of dreams to satisfy people’s curiosity. Then you will see some incredible scenes and pictures in our case which will attract the audience and make them believe DreamLab is the best gallery. All these introductions are to well represent our DreamLab project and make people can be completely immersed in the expo world of dreams.

Fourth Step: We’ve designed and settled our StypleFrame via Photoshop for our DreamLab.


In the beginning of a curious exhibition of dreams,you will understand  what the dream is and what the connection between dream and human. This is where your journey starts. 

Accessing next door, this will be an interactive room where Audience may see what you are thinking from the big screen on the wall through a device which can catch your mind wave and display on the screen if you wish to do so. Since this is just an initial interactive game, it is not to steal your privacy from your unconscious dream, so this is worth a try.

When you go deep, our exhibition also enters the climax. Now you go into a mysterious high-tech room where there are several Dreaming Cockpit. It requires you to sleep inside, real sleep. The machine will record your dreams and combine other elements to make a VR journey for you. You will travel in your dream world to search, think, even repent. Of course it will be a private and payment project. Everyone will stay in separately, closed and independent rooms.

Since you have experienced the interactive room in the 2nd part of this exhibition, our high-tech analysis machine have done some study based on your public mind wave. And then in this last room, you will see the analysis of your personality. This is a chance to know your own well.


  • Room Lighting Effect
  • Relax Music
  • Hypnosis
  • Mind Wave
  • Analysis
  • Psychologists

Firstly, before we get dreams, our audiences should sleep and start dreaming. So we combine the traditional method “Hypnosis” with some sweet and relaxing music as well as a soft room light effect, you would gonna step into our dream machines, which can easily help people into dreaming. 

Then as we all know, modern science has proved that humans have a kind of brain waves that emit outwards. So such brain waves are the best medium for scientists to download dreams and thinking from a sleeping person. Of course, data of dreams will be recorded in the machine. Now we solve the key problem: how to get dreams.

Since we have the ability to get dreams, we have the ability to modify dreams. Downloaded dream is like various scenes of a movie. Then we just need to introduce some 3D software to edit the dream, like Maya, Unity, in order to make it more  like a reality world and well represent the dreams in your mind. This is the key process to make an AR/VR journey that you will enjoy after you wake up.

Finally, our psychologists will study and analyze your dream data through Psychological view. And will share with you some suggestions or treatment solutions about your psychological health.    

Slide with Topic, Device, Attribute, and Mood.

Thank you for watching! Made by Helen and Hongyi.

D4C – MIMA Styleframes

Project: DreamLab

Group Member: Helen Wu & Hongyi Zhang

We plan to mainly use the Adobe Creative Suites, photoshop as the tools to design our styleframes.

After some brainstorming, discussion, research and data search etc., we’ve picked up the backgrounds, adding different elements, and set up our own styles etc., all those are used to establish the style and the realistic finished look of our DreamLab project, apply our interpretation of the mood boards and align our ideas with this vision.

We have used composition through the whole styleframe design to well present our project. With the devices of discovery, metaphor, juxtaposition, narrate and amplification to assist present the details, specifics and aligned with our main mood boards mysterious, curious.


D4C – Device, Mood and StoryBoard

Project: Dream Lab
Project Member: Helen Wu and Hongyi Zhang

Device and Mood:
Dreams are extremely absurd and absurd, scientists have never looked at them squarely. However, dreams did help scientists. For example, when chemists discovered benzene molecules, they were inspired by dreams. There was an emperor in the Han Dynasty named Emperor Han Ming. He dreamed that a person came to his dream with a bow and arrow on his back. The minister analyzed that it was a Buddhist character, so Emperor Han Ming sent envoys to India to welcome the monks and built the first building in China, the White Horse Temple. . The impact of dreams on mankind is still great.
The study of modern dreams initially entered the academic field of vision, thanks to a psychoanalyst, Freud’s “The Study of Dreams.” As a good material for studying the subconscious, the interest in dream research began to spread from the psychology world to the science world.
Modern brain science is very preliminary and superficial to dream research. Research shows that both humans and mammals dream. Everyone dreams every night. When dreaming, the eyes move quickly, which is called the eye movement sleep cycle. In rapid eye movement and research has shown that waking up the dreamer during the night dreaming period will cause emotional problems in the long term. It seems that dreaming has something to do with human processing emotions and emotions.
It is really not easy to explain the principles of dreams clearly. Because it involves the working principle of the brain and the science of mind. In the field of philosophy and religion, there are many statements about dreams.
Based on all those backgrounds, my partner and I would like to build up a DreamLab to participate in the open call of MIMA’s fall exhibition season.

As we all know, different people under different situations could have different dreams depending on different timelines. Based on this to well present our open call project, we would like to use different devices to present different kinds of dreams. The main device we’d like to use is discovery, which not only presents the dreams or information, but also collects, data driven, returns us and analyzes the big data. Discovery will help us find some inner world, what’s the relationship between our individual, internal, external, physical space and virtual world etc. We are gonna use some hi-tech devices and equipment to achieve this point. Such as brain scanner machines, Kinect, leapmotion, big data collections, databank, databases and data analyzer etc., which helps the audience to explore the world of dreams and build up the dream databank to achieve data driven the whole project. DreamLab will discover and present what is dream. Meanwhile, we would also use metaphor, juxtaposition, narrate and amplification to assist present the details and specifics. Dream is a mysterious metaphor,nobody knows what will happen during your dreaming. Therefore, in our project, we will make and show some abstract and mysterious pictures to present how powerful a dream is. Audience will feel the magic of dreams from the visual effects that DreamLab designs. Apart from that, dreams are diverse, it could be positive, could be negative, could be happiness, could be horrible. So we can say this juxtaposition of good things and bad things always run through our dream. Then in our gallery, you will see strong contrast in content in order to attract the audience. All above is what we plan our devices would be to share a great gallery. In the tooling side, we would use Ai training, adobe creative suite, writing, paint and film maker etc to juxtapose, narrate and represent people’s dreams. Through AR, VR devices, immersive and interactive games to achieve amplification and optimize audience experience.

In terms of mood, due to the diversity and variability of dreams, we intend to better present my project through a variety of mood methods, which includes mysterious, curious etc. Most dreams are mysterious, and there are certain reasons and reasons for dreaming, and many people have doubts about these. Not everyone’s dreams are colored, research points out that most people’s dreams are black and white. This is due to our brain’s unknown function. But connecting to our DreamLab project, this point will guide us to a little dark color of the project. On the other hand, why is there a feeling of deja vu in the dream? This is because dreams are created through the memory network, which can inspire a sense of familiarity. We recognize a scene without explicitly remembering or understanding why. This proves the mystery of dreams from the other side. Meanwhile, we are all curious about dreams due to its mystery. This leads to the second part of our project. DreamLab can dig deep to study and share knowledge of dreams to satisfy people’s curiosity. Then you will see some incredible scenes and pictures in our case which will attract the audience and make them believe DreamLab is the best gallery. All these introductions are to well represent our dreamlab project and make people can be completely immersed in the expo world of dreams.


Design for Communication – 06. World Building (Mindmap & MoodBoard)

Proposal: Dream Lab

Group: Helen Wu & Hongyi Zhang

The idea of our group would like to build a Dream Lab.

Maybe you don’t know that if you live to be 75 years old, you will spend a total of nearly 25 years sleeping, which is almost a third of your life. In one-third of your sleep, you will have a full 6 years of dreaming. Our dream is a very interesting world. Therefore, our group is trying to design a Dream Lab in order to study, use, and enjoy dreams.

Dreams come in various forms. You may find answers to your problems in dreams. You are more likely to have negative dreams than positive dreams. Sometimes, you also can control your dreams. However, you may only remember about 10% of dreams when you wake. The cave paintings are probably a dream diary of prehistoric times. Men and women have different dreams. Dreams are good for your creativity. The brain can incorporate reality into dreams, that may be the  origin of Virtual Reality. Therefore,our design Dream Lab is going to study dreams, give treatment to people through dreams, learn answers to people’s issues from dreams, and get fun from dreams, etc. In mind map, there are four main related ideas to describe the value of project Dream Lab: Definition, Brand Values, Ideas and Topics, and Applications.

Definition — Dream Lab creates image, ideas and provides dream records. People will get service through sleep.

Brand Values — People will get cozy, diversification service from Dream Lab.   

Ideas and Topics – “Do we consume dreams or dreams consume us?”, “Surveillance thoughts”, “Dream is a message”.

Applications – Where Dream Lab serves: Home, Academics, Research, Medical treatment for mental area, Gene Lan, Entertainment…etc.

On the other hand, how could we build Dream Lab? We may follow several areas here  to build: Interface(Virtual world, physical place), Premise(VR, AR, AI…), Mood(Happiness, Dark, Micro, Random…), Tools(PS, AI, Film maker…), Creative ideas(Psychoanalysis, Blog, Arts…).

For the mood board, we think this project is related to mysterious, unknown,curious…etc. So we set the color of the whole project to blue and a little dark. The idea of mood board is most regarding Brain which shows imagination, and the sky to share mysterious  and curious.

Mind Map

Mood Board

Design for Communication – A Response to the Reading (Understanding Comics)

The definition of comics: juxtaposed pictures and other images consciously arranged to convey information or stimulate the viewer’s aesthetics of acceptance,it is a continuous art. Comics has been used as a low-level pastime for a long time, thinking that its readers are only children and some adults who have not grown up. In fact, its history can even be traced back to the work murals of ancient Egypt, and modern comics appeared as early as the 20th century. Compared with the movies that appeared in the early 20th century, the difference between comics and movies is not essential. Movies are A picture that continuously appears with a higher frequency is also a continuous art.

The entire picture vocabulary of comics includes: reality, language, and the graphic plane itself. Here, reality refers to the use of various degrees of abstraction icons to allow people to experience the real sensory world, and language expresses non-iconified specifications in the most abstract form. And what the graphic plane expresses is itself. Comics is a single-sensory medium, which only relies on visuals to convey information to the audience. But between the grids, there is no need for any sense organ, instead, all the sense organs are activated. In comics, the content can also be simplified or added. In order to achieve this delicate balance, the author regularly envisions the reader’s experience, and only leaves clues to the reader by not showing specific scenes at all. The cartoonist can trigger any picture in the reader’s imagination.

How do we express time in comics? A silent cell describes a single moment, but in comics, the length of time and dimension is more determined by the content of the frame, rather than the frame itself. Therefore, we will learn to use space to express time in our study, because in the comics world, time and space are the same thing. For example: changing the content, number, spacing, and shape of the grid.

How to show comics? It doesn’t matter which language or images are used interchangeably, it’s important to be able to express clearly. Meanwhile, the following 6 points constitute comic art: concept/purpose, form, style, structure, craftsmanship, and surface. Color is also a major element in comics. Colors make the subject of the depiction become objectified, making it easier to recognize the physical form of objects than black and white paintings, awakening memories, evoking emotions, and serving as an environment. In black and white comics, the concepts behind art can be conveyed more directly, meaning surpasses form, and art is close to language. In flat-color comics, the form itself is more important, and the world becomes a playground of shape and space. And through more expressive colors, comics can become an intoxicating emotional environment through colors.

The combination of all of the above is today’s understanding of comics. However, comics are constantly evolving. When entering the next century, comic artists will pursue more and higher goals.

Design for Communication – Animated Poster Due: Class 6 (08/06)

The movie shows the ambivalent mood of Edward. He was born and lives in a lonely castle, he tries to join human’s life, but finally it did not work. So I made a contrast to introduce 2 different parts into my poster to show Edward’s mood, bright sunny human town and dark cold castle with snowing background. These 2 parts also have strong contrasting colors. 

In the poster, the scissorhands is Edward and butterfly is the girl Edward falls in love, who is the only element flying into Edward’s world from the human world. So I shows both main elements in the middle of the poster and big size for the scissorhands. The castle where Edward lives have same proportion of poster as human town.

Design for Communication (04. Gestalt) – WIP of Poster Design

I am going to move 4 elements based on the previous poster, Edward hand, a butterfly, snowing and cloud. Now hands and butterflies are ready, they are simply moving at original position and fly from outside of the poster. I am still working to set the animation of snow and clouds which make the background moving.

Design for Communication – 02. Semiotics, Week 1 (Poster I)


The poster is trying to show the mind changing of assassin Wu Ming: Revenge –> Ambivalence –> Give up

Revenge: this is for his defeated motherland

Ambivalence: He has lost his family, lost his country. But still have much more people will keep their family against war. The king he is going to assassinate who can make the land peacefully.

Give up: He opens his mind and accepts the king.

Poster II

Edward ScissorHands


The poster is trying to show the ambivalence of Edward Scissorhands.

He is always in confusion what he exactly is. He joined human’s daily life, he got positive confirmation from people at the beginning, so he thought he was a human.

But why people hate him finally, why he cannot get love from the girl he loves. Is he a monster in people eyes? Eventually, he left the girl in order to protect her. The cold blue color and snowing night comparing to a sunny day in human area is to show ambivalence and worse mood of  Edward.