Creative Coding – Final Presentation

The sketch I want to present is an interactive project. I would like to play a bit to show what kind of effect it can achieve. As shown on the screen, when the mouse moves around the canvas, nothing will happen. When the mouse presses on some rang on the canvas, what will happen? It will achieve the effect of sending out something like bullets around, you can also recognize it as fireworks or a particle system. But when I put my mouse in a certain space, it will show different output. Such as when I put on the place which closed to the corner, it will only go in two directions. And put on the edge, it will show three directions.


Creative Coding Homework – Week 1-2, July 26

Sketch of Week 1-2, July 26

In Week 1-2 Sketch, I made a circle which is followed by mouse moving every time. And circle color will change automatically follow time. At the background, small circles will show randomly and with color changed randomly.