Map the system of 5G


  • What are its relationships and its boundaries? Be as expansive as possible when thinking about what systems your topic resides in.

My topic 5G is a wireless communication technology. I think it is in wireless communication system. Its boundary is to distinguish with other communication types like wired or satellite.

  • What did you discover by mapping?

5G speed exist in many field of current human life, smart city, smart building, factory, school, hospital where they need remote control. In addition to being a wireless communication system, 5G is also related to a larger system, which is information exchange system. 

Critical Experiences Week 1 Assignment – Research: What is 5G


Before understanding the concept of 5G, let’s first understand its development process: 1G to 4G.

1G:Applied to mobile phones, it can only be used to make calls.

2G:Applied to mobile phones with screen display function,can send message.

3G:Applied to mobile phones with big screen,realize multimedia communication other than voice communication, such as browsing simple websites, you can see pictures.

4G:Applied to smart mobile phones,you can watch videos.

1G~4G are all focusing on more convenient and faster communication between people, and the existence of 5G will realize the interconnection of everything at anytime, anywhere, and let human beings dare to expect to participate in it synchronously with all things on the earth through live broadcast.

5G, in fact, is the fifth-generation mobile communication technology, which firstly increases the download speed extremely. Judging from the current situation, 5G networks have begun to be commercialized. Due to the rapid development of the Internet of Things, especially the Internet of automobiles and other industries, it has higher requirements for network speed. The emergence of 5G has undoubtedly become an important factor in promoting the development of the Internet of Things.


In telecommunications5G is the fifth generation technology standard for cellular networks, which cellular phone companies began deploying worldwide in 2019, the planned successor to the 4G networks which provide connectivity to most current cellphones. Like its predecessors, 5G networks are cellular networks, in which the service area is divided into small geographical areas called cells. All 5G wireless devices in a cell are connected to the Internet and telephone network by radio waves through a local antenna in the cell. The main advantage of the new networks is that they will have greater bandwidth, giving higher download speeds,[1] eventually up to 10 gigabits per second (Gbit/s). Due to the increased bandwidth, it is expected that the new networks will not just serve cellphones like existing cellular networks, but also be used as general internet service providers for laptops and desktop computers, competing with existing ISPs such as cable internet, and also will make possible new applications in internet of things (IoT) and machine to machine areas. Current 4G cellphones will not be able to use the new networks, which will require new 5G enabled wireless devices.

The increased speed is achieved partly by using higher-frequency radio waves than current cellular networks. However, higher-frequency radio waves have a shorter range than the frequencies used by previous cell phone towers, requiring smaller cells. So, to ensure wide service, 5G networks operate on up to three frequency bands, low, medium, and high. A 5G network will be composed of networks of up to 3 different types of cells, each requiring different antennas, each type giving a different tradeoff of download speed vs. distance and service area. 5G cellphones and wireless devices will connect to the network through the highest speed antenna within range at their location:

Low-band 5G uses a similar frequency range to current 4G cellphones, 600-700 MHz, giving download speeds a little higher than 4G: 30-250 megabits per second (Mbit/s). Low-band cell towers will have a range and coverage area similar to current 4G towers. Mid-band 5G uses microwaves of 2.5-3.7 GHz, currently allowing speeds of 100-900 Mbit/s, with each cell tower providing service up to several miles in radius. This level of service is the most widely deployed, and should be available in most metropolitan areas in 2020. Some countries are not implementing low-band, making this the minimum service level. High-band 5G currently uses frequencies of 25-39 GHz, near the bottom of the millimeter wave band, although higher frequencies may be used in the future. It often achieves download speeds of a gigabit per second (Gbit/s), comparable to cable internet. However, millimeter waves (mm Wave or mmW) have a more limited range, requiring many small cells. They have trouble passing through some types of walls and windows. Due to their higher costs, current plans are to deploy these cells only in dense urban environments and areas where crowds of people congregate such as sports stadiums and convention centers. The above speeds are those achieved in actual tests in 2020, and speeds are expected to increase during rollout. 

The industry consortium setting standards for 5G is the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). It defines any system using 5G NR (5G New Radio) software as “5G”, a definition that came into general use by late 2018. Minimum standards are set by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). Previously, some reserved the term 5G for systems that deliver download speeds of 20 Gbit/s as specified in the ITU’s IMT-2020 document.

Application areas

The ITU-R has defined three main application areas for the enhanced capabilities of 5G. They are Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC), and Massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC). Only eMBB is deployed in 2020; URLLC and mMTC are several years away in most locations.

Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) uses 5G as a progression from 4G LTE mobile broadband services, with faster connections, higher throughput, and more capacity.

Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications (URLLC) refer to using the network for mission critical applications that require uninterrupted and robust data exchange.

Massive Machine-Type Communications (mMTC) would be used to connect to a large number of devices. 5G technology will connect some of the 50 billion connected IoT devices. Most will use the less expensive Wi-Fi. Drones, transmitting via 4G or 5G, will aid in disaster recovery efforts, providing real-time data for emergency responders. Most cars will have a 4G or 5G cellular connection for many services. Autonomous cars do not require 5G, as they have to be able to operate where they do not have a network connection. While remote surgeries have been performed over 5G, most remote surgery will be performed in facilities with a fiber connection, usually faster and more reliable than any wireless connection.


5G speeds will range from ~50 Mbit/s to over a gigabit/s. The fastest 5G is known as mmWave. As of July 3, 2019, mmWave had a top speed of 1.8 Gbit/s on AT&T’s 5G network.

Sub-6 GHz 5G (mid-band 5G), by far the most common, will usually deliver between 100 and 400 Mbit/s, but will have a much farther reach than mmWave, especially outdoors. 

Low-band spectrum offers the farthest area coverage but is slower than the others.

5G NR speed in sub-6 GHz bands can be slightly higher than the 4G with a similar amount of spectrum and antennas, although some 3GPP 5G networks will be slower than some advanced 4G networks, such as T-Mobile’s LTE/LAA network, which achieves 500+ Mbit/s in Manhattan and Chicago. The 5G specification allows LAA (License Assisted Access) as well, but LAA in 5G has not yet been demonstrated. Adding LAA to an existing 4G configuration can add hundreds of megabits per second to the speed, but this is an extension of 4G, not a new part of the 5G standard. 

The similarity in terms of throughput between 4G and 5G in the existing bands is because 4G already approaches the Shannon limit on data communication rates. 5G speeds in the less common millimeter wave spectrum, with its much more abundant bandwidth and shorter range, and hence greater frequency reusability, can be substantially higher. 


We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe. The technology is coming, but contrary to what some people say, there could be health risks.

The telecommunications industry and their experts have accused many scientists who have researched the effects of cell phone radiation of “fear mongering” over the advent of wireless technology’s 5G. Since much of our research is publicly-funded, we believe it is our ethical responsibility to inform the public about what the peer-reviewed scientific literature tells us about the health risks from wireless radiation.

The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently announced through a press release that the commission will soon reaffirm the radio frequency radiation (RFR) exposure limits that the FCC adopted in the late 1990s. These limits are based upon a behavioral change in rats exposed to microwave radiation and were designed to protect us from short-term heating risks due to RFR exposure.  

Yet, since the FCC adopted these limits based largely on research from the 1980s, the preponderance of peer-reviewed research, more than 500 studies, have found harmful biologic or health effects from exposure to RFR at intensities too low to cause significant heating.

Citing this large body of research, more than 240 scientists who have published peer-reviewed research on the biologic and health effects of nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal, which calls for stronger exposure limits. The appeal makes the following assertions:

“Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.”

The scientists who signed this appeal arguably constitute the majority of experts on the effects of nonionizing radiation. They have published more than 2,000 papers and letters on EMF in professional journals.

The FCC’s RFR exposure limits regulate the intensity of exposure, taking into account the frequency of the carrier waves, but ignore the signaling properties of the RFR. Along with the patterning and duration of exposures, certain characteristics of the signal (e.g., pulsing, polarization) increase the biologic and health impacts of the exposure. New exposure limits are needed which account for these differential effects. Moreover, these limits should be based on a biological effect, not a change in a laboratory rat’s behavior.

The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified RFR as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” in 2011. Last year, a $30 million study conducted by the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) found “clear evidence” that two years of exposure to cell phone RFR increased cancer in male rats and damaged DNA in rats and mice of both sexes. The Ramazzini Institute in Italy replicated the key finding of the NTP using a different carrier frequency and much weaker exposure to cell phone radiation over the life of the rats.

Based upon the research published since 2011, including human and animal studies and mechanistic data, the IARC has recently prioritized RFR to be reviewed again in the next five years. Since many EMF scientists believe we now have sufficient evidence to consider RFR as either a probable or known human carcinogen, the IARC will likely upgrade the carcinogenic potential of RFR in the near future.

Nonetheless, without conducting a formal risk assessment or a systematic review of the research on RFR health effects, the FDA recently reaffirmed the FCC’s 1996 exposure limits in a letter to the FCC, stating that the agency had “concluded that no changes to the current standards are warranted at this time,” and that “NTP’s experimental findings should not be applied to human cell phone usage.” The letter stated that “the available scientific evidence to date does not support adverse health effects in humans due to exposures at or under the current limits.”

The latest cellular technology, 5G, will employ millimeter waves for the first time in addition to microwaves that have been in use for older cellular technologies, 2G through 4G. Given limited reach, 5G will require cell antennas every 100 to 200 meters, exposing many people to millimeter wave radiation. 5G also employs new technologies (e.g., active antennas capable of beam-forming; phased arrays; massive multiple inputs and outputs, known as massive MIMO) which pose unique challenges for measuring exposures.

Millimeter waves are mostly absorbed within a few millimeters of human skin and in the surface layers of the cornea. Short-term exposure can have adverse physiological effects in the peripheral nervous system, the immune system and the cardiovascular system. The research suggests that long-term exposure may pose health risks to the skin (e.g., melanoma), the eyes (e.g., ocular melanoma) and the testes (e.g., sterility).

Since 5G is a new technology, there is no research on health effects, so we are “flying blind” to quote a U.S. senator. However, we have considerable evidence about the harmful effects of 2G and 3G. Little is known the effects of exposure to 4G, a 10-year-old technology, because governments have been remiss in funding this research. Meanwhile, we are seeing increases in certain types of head and neck tumors in tumor registries, which may be at least partially attributable to the proliferation of cell phone radiation. These increases are consistent with results from case-control studies of tumor risk in heavy cell phone users.

5G will not replace 4G; it will accompany 4G for the near future and possibly over the long term. If there are synergistic effects from simultaneous exposures to multiple types of RFR, our overall risk of harm from RFR may increase substantially. Cancer is not the only risk as there is considerable evidence that RFR causes neurological disorders and reproductive harm, likely due to oxidative stress.

As a society, should we invest hundreds of billions of dollars deploying 5G, a cellular technology that requires the installation of 800,000 or more new cell antenna sites in the U.S. close to where we live, work and play?

Instead, we should support the recommendations of the 250 scientists and medical doctors who signed the 5G Appeal that calls for an immediate moratorium on the deployment of 5G and demand that our government fund the research needed to adopt biologically based exposure limits that protect our health and safety.

(Reference by Joel M. Moskowitz on October 17, 2019)

D4C MIMA OpenCall Final Project – DreamLab (Final Blog Post)



Dreams are extremely absurd and absurd, scientists have never looked at them squarely. However, dreams did help scientists. For example, when chemists discovered benzene molecules, they were inspired by dreams. There was an emperor in the Han Dynasty named Emperor Han Ming. He dreamed that a person came to his dream with a bow and arrow on his back. The minister analyzed that it was a Buddhist character, so Emperor Han Ming sent envoys to India to welcome the monks and built the first building in China, the White Horse Temple. The impact of dreams on mankind is still great.

The study of modern dreams initially entered the academic field of vision, thanks to a psychoanalyst, Freud’s “The Study of Dreams.” As a good material for studying the subconscious, the interest in dream research began to spread from the psychology world to the science world.

Modern brain science is very preliminary and superficial to dream research. Research shows that both humans and mammals dream. Everyone dreams every night. When dreaming, the eyes move quickly, which is called the eye movement sleep cycle. In rapid eye movement and research has shown that waking up the dreamer during the night dreaming period will cause emotional problems in the long term. It seems that dreaming has something to do with human processing emotions and emotions.

It is really not easy to explain the principles of dreams clearly. Because it involves the working principle of the brain and the science of mind. In the field of philosophy and religion, there are many statements about dreams. 

Based on all those backgrounds, my partner and I would like to build up a DreamLab to participate in the open call of MIMA’s fall exhibition season.


The First Step: We have sit down and brainstormed our project, worked together and completed our MindBoard via Miro.



Second Step: After some research, dig deeper, data collections etc., we drew down our StoryBoard above via Storyboarder software. 

Here is the Story behind our Open-Call project:

It is said that in the seventh year of Yongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty, when Emperor Zhuang Liu of Han Ming stayed overnight, he dreamed of a golden figure with a bright head coming from the west. The next day, Emperor Han Ming told the minister of this dream. Doctor Fu Yi said: Emperor Han Ming sent an envoy to the Western Regions to pray for Buddhism. After the envoy left Luoyang, he met the Indian monks She Morten and Zhufalan in the Great Moon Kingdom, and sincerely asked the monks to go east to China to promote Buddhism. The two eminent monks came to Luoyang with a white horse carrying Buddhist scriptures. Emperor Ming of Han was very courteous to the two eminent monks and arranged for them to stay temporarily in the official government office Hongshe Temple and ordered to build a monastery outside Luoyang Xiyongmen. To commemorate the White Horse Tuo Sutra, the built temple was named “White Horse Temple”, and the White Horse Temple became the first symbol of Buddhism in China.

Third Step: After bunch of discussions, we’ve decided the device, tech tools and mood of our DreamLab project. We’ve made our Moodboards via Photoshop.

Device/Tech Tool:

Device: Discovery, Narrate and Amplification

As we all know, different people under different situations could have different dreams depending on different timelines. Based on this to well present our open call project, we would like to use different devices to present different kinds of dreams. The main device we’d like to use is discovery, which not only presents the dreams or information, but also collects, data driven, returns us and analyzes the big data. Discovery will help us find some inner world, what’s the relationship between our individual, internal, external, physical space and virtual world etc. We are gonna use some hi-tech devices and equipment to achieve this point. Such as brain scanner machines, Kinect, leapmotion, big data collections, databank, databases and data analyzer etc., which helps the audience to explore the world of dreams and build up the dream databank to achieve data driven the whole project. DreamLab will discover and present what is dream. Meanwhile, we would also use metaphor, juxtaposition, narrate and amplification to assist present the details and specifics. Dream is a mysterious metaphor,nobody knows what will happen during your dreaming. Therefore, in our project, we will make and show some abstract and mysterious pictures to present how powerful a dream is. Audience will feel the magic of dreams from the visual effects that DreamLab designs. Apart from that, dreams are diverse, it could be positive, could be negative, could be happiness, could be horrible. So we can say this juxtaposition of good things and bad things always run through our dream. Then in our gallery, you will see strong contrast in content in order to attract the audience. All above is what we plan our devices would be to share a great gallery. In the tooling side, we would use Ai training, adobe creative suite, writing, paint and film maker etc to juxtapose, narrate and represent people’s dreams. Through AR, VR devices, immersive and interactive games to achieve amplification and optimize audience experience.

Mood: Mysterious, Curious

In terms of mood, due to the diversity and variability of dreams, we intend to better present my project through a variety of mood methods, which includes mysterious, curious etc. Most dreams are mysterious, and there are certain reasons and reasons for dreaming, and many people have doubts about these. Not everyone’s dreams are colored, research points out that most people’s dreams are black and white. This is due to our brain’s unknown function. But connecting to our DreamLab project, this point will guide us to a little dark color of the project. On the other hand, why is there a feeling of deja vu in the dream? This is because dreams are created through the memory network, which can inspire a sense of familiarity. We recognize a scene without explicitly remembering or understanding why. This proves the mystery of dreams from the other side. Meanwhile, we are all curious about dreams due to its mystery. This leads to the second part of our project. DreamLab can dig deep to study and share knowledge of dreams to satisfy people’s curiosity. Then you will see some incredible scenes and pictures in our case which will attract the audience and make them believe DreamLab is the best gallery. All these introductions are to well represent our DreamLab project and make people can be completely immersed in the expo world of dreams.

Fourth Step: We’ve designed and settled our StypleFrame via Photoshop for our DreamLab.


In the beginning of a curious exhibition of dreams,you will understand  what the dream is and what the connection between dream and human. This is where your journey starts. 

Accessing next door, this will be an interactive room where Audience may see what you are thinking from the big screen on the wall through a device which can catch your mind wave and display on the screen if you wish to do so. Since this is just an initial interactive game, it is not to steal your privacy from your unconscious dream, so this is worth a try.

When you go deep, our exhibition also enters the climax. Now you go into a mysterious high-tech room where there are several Dreaming Cockpit. It requires you to sleep inside, real sleep. The machine will record your dreams and combine other elements to make a VR journey for you. You will travel in your dream world to search, think, even repent. Of course it will be a private and payment project. Everyone will stay in separately, closed and independent rooms.

Since you have experienced the interactive room in the 2nd part of this exhibition, our high-tech analysis machine have done some study based on your public mind wave. And then in this last room, you will see the analysis of your personality. This is a chance to know your own well.


  • Room Lighting Effect
  • Relax Music
  • Hypnosis
  • Mind Wave
  • Analysis
  • Psychologists

Firstly, before we get dreams, our audiences should sleep and start dreaming. So we combine the traditional method “Hypnosis” with some sweet and relaxing music as well as a soft room light effect, you would gonna step into our dream machines, which can easily help people into dreaming. 

Then as we all know, modern science has proved that humans have a kind of brain waves that emit outwards. So such brain waves are the best medium for scientists to download dreams and thinking from a sleeping person. Of course, data of dreams will be recorded in the machine. Now we solve the key problem: how to get dreams.

Since we have the ability to get dreams, we have the ability to modify dreams. Downloaded dream is like various scenes of a movie. Then we just need to introduce some 3D software to edit the dream, like Maya, Unity, in order to make it more  like a reality world and well represent the dreams in your mind. This is the key process to make an AR/VR journey that you will enjoy after you wake up.

Finally, our psychologists will study and analyze your dream data through Psychological view. And will share with you some suggestions or treatment solutions about your psychological health.    

Slide with Topic, Device, Attribute, and Mood.

Thank you for watching! Made by Helen and Hongyi.

Interface Lab [Final Project] – Digital Physical Wonderland

For the Final Project, I have made a game with two external interface controllers Potentiometer and Push Button. The Potentiometer can control the RGB color of Ball via turning around, and Push Button can change the Ball color to White when pushing on.

The rule behind the game I designed is you must keep the ball as the same color with the coming cube, if the same the Servo will be triggered and move one time as well as score text displays on the left core of the game scene will ++. Else, the Servo will not be triggered and score will be -2. I have setting up a Game Bonus, that is the Push Button. Once you push the button, the color of the ball will turn to be white color and the system will recognize it’s always the same color as the coming cubes.  That means whenever you push the button && the coming cube collides the ball, the score displayed will always ++ and triggers the Servo moving one time.

Documentation of Coding:

Trigger Code: This is the code in Unity which connected to from Arduino side, as ‘MyListener’ we created for pervious projects. Of course with the bridge of Ardity.

Rotator Code: This code makes the coming cubes self-rotated. 

Collision Code: Do the judgement: if (c_rend.material.color == rend.material.color || rend.material.color == Color.white)

txt.GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text = score.ToString();

score -= 2;

i.e. While ‘Ball color is the same as coming Cube color || Ball Color == White’, score displayed will ++, else will -2. This code will identify if the colors are the same when collision and get feedback the result to the score.

Cube Code: It will lead the Cubes walking through the path with random RGB color, and destroy itself once the position pass the Ball.

Float Code: That’s the code which makes the Ball always move up and down.

GenCube Code: That’s the code to create Cube automatically with settled timeline at the beginning of the path in the scene.

I have defined a Variable called ‘Timer’ and initial it via code of ‘float Timer = 2’

Whenever ‘Timer -= Time.deltaTime, Timer <= 0’, Cube will be created automatically. And then reset/redefine the Timer back to 2. Put this code in Update() to make the loop happened.

Because every picture in the game is being put together frame by frame. Making the ‘Timer’ minus ‘the time of each frame of the game'(Time.deltaTime) here, it will be equal to around how long the time has passed. 

So the whole code means every time when 2 seconds passed, the Cube will be created automatically at the beginning of the path. 

Arduino Code: I am keeping using the code from Week4 Servo Project. The only part I want to mention and changed in this week is I have mapping the value of Potentiometer from 0-1023 to 0-2, instead of 0-100 in last week project. In this way, it can coordinate with the Cube Code listed above in Unity to control the RGB color of the Ball object in Unity. 

Thank you for watching!

Creative Coding – Final Presentation

The sketch I want to present is an interactive project. I would like to play a bit to show what kind of effect it can achieve. As shown on the screen, when the mouse moves around the canvas, nothing will happen. When the mouse presses on some rang on the canvas, what will happen? It will achieve the effect of sending out something like bullets around, you can also recognize it as fireworks or a particle system. But when I put my mouse in a certain space, it will show different output. Such as when I put on the place which closed to the corner, it will only go in two directions. And put on the edge, it will show three directions.


Interface Lab – Soundscapes and Interfaces (Week 4)

In this week’s project, we were challenged to think about interfaces in a new way. Rather than an interface to control the world of sight, we were expected to develop an interface to control the world of sound. Meanwhile, the game can output and trigger the servo to rotate in the physical world.

In my scene, this is a treasure world. When the player touches the BALL, it will trigger the servo to rotate in the physical world. At the same time, the lighting and sound effects of the scene can be controlled by switches and potentiometers. The switches control the on and off of the lights and background sound (old-fashioned radio wave lighting effects), and the potentiometer controls the brightness of the lights and the volume level of the background sound.

D4C – MIMA Styleframes

Project: DreamLab

Group Member: Helen Wu & Hongyi Zhang

We plan to mainly use the Adobe Creative Suites, photoshop as the tools to design our styleframes.

After some brainstorming, discussion, research and data search etc., we’ve picked up the backgrounds, adding different elements, and set up our own styles etc., all those are used to establish the style and the realistic finished look of our DreamLab project, apply our interpretation of the mood boards and align our ideas with this vision.

We have used composition through the whole styleframe design to well present our project. With the devices of discovery, metaphor, juxtaposition, narrate and amplification to assist present the details, specifics and aligned with our main mood boards mysterious, curious.


D4C – Device, Mood and StoryBoard

Project: Dream Lab
Project Member: Helen Wu and Hongyi Zhang

Device and Mood:
Dreams are extremely absurd and absurd, scientists have never looked at them squarely. However, dreams did help scientists. For example, when chemists discovered benzene molecules, they were inspired by dreams. There was an emperor in the Han Dynasty named Emperor Han Ming. He dreamed that a person came to his dream with a bow and arrow on his back. The minister analyzed that it was a Buddhist character, so Emperor Han Ming sent envoys to India to welcome the monks and built the first building in China, the White Horse Temple. . The impact of dreams on mankind is still great.
The study of modern dreams initially entered the academic field of vision, thanks to a psychoanalyst, Freud’s “The Study of Dreams.” As a good material for studying the subconscious, the interest in dream research began to spread from the psychology world to the science world.
Modern brain science is very preliminary and superficial to dream research. Research shows that both humans and mammals dream. Everyone dreams every night. When dreaming, the eyes move quickly, which is called the eye movement sleep cycle. In rapid eye movement and research has shown that waking up the dreamer during the night dreaming period will cause emotional problems in the long term. It seems that dreaming has something to do with human processing emotions and emotions.
It is really not easy to explain the principles of dreams clearly. Because it involves the working principle of the brain and the science of mind. In the field of philosophy and religion, there are many statements about dreams.
Based on all those backgrounds, my partner and I would like to build up a DreamLab to participate in the open call of MIMA’s fall exhibition season.

As we all know, different people under different situations could have different dreams depending on different timelines. Based on this to well present our open call project, we would like to use different devices to present different kinds of dreams. The main device we’d like to use is discovery, which not only presents the dreams or information, but also collects, data driven, returns us and analyzes the big data. Discovery will help us find some inner world, what’s the relationship between our individual, internal, external, physical space and virtual world etc. We are gonna use some hi-tech devices and equipment to achieve this point. Such as brain scanner machines, Kinect, leapmotion, big data collections, databank, databases and data analyzer etc., which helps the audience to explore the world of dreams and build up the dream databank to achieve data driven the whole project. DreamLab will discover and present what is dream. Meanwhile, we would also use metaphor, juxtaposition, narrate and amplification to assist present the details and specifics. Dream is a mysterious metaphor,nobody knows what will happen during your dreaming. Therefore, in our project, we will make and show some abstract and mysterious pictures to present how powerful a dream is. Audience will feel the magic of dreams from the visual effects that DreamLab designs. Apart from that, dreams are diverse, it could be positive, could be negative, could be happiness, could be horrible. So we can say this juxtaposition of good things and bad things always run through our dream. Then in our gallery, you will see strong contrast in content in order to attract the audience. All above is what we plan our devices would be to share a great gallery. In the tooling side, we would use Ai training, adobe creative suite, writing, paint and film maker etc to juxtapose, narrate and represent people’s dreams. Through AR, VR devices, immersive and interactive games to achieve amplification and optimize audience experience.

In terms of mood, due to the diversity and variability of dreams, we intend to better present my project through a variety of mood methods, which includes mysterious, curious etc. Most dreams are mysterious, and there are certain reasons and reasons for dreaming, and many people have doubts about these. Not everyone’s dreams are colored, research points out that most people’s dreams are black and white. This is due to our brain’s unknown function. But connecting to our DreamLab project, this point will guide us to a little dark color of the project. On the other hand, why is there a feeling of deja vu in the dream? This is because dreams are created through the memory network, which can inspire a sense of familiarity. We recognize a scene without explicitly remembering or understanding why. This proves the mystery of dreams from the other side. Meanwhile, we are all curious about dreams due to its mystery. This leads to the second part of our project. DreamLab can dig deep to study and share knowledge of dreams to satisfy people’s curiosity. Then you will see some incredible scenes and pictures in our case which will attract the audience and make them believe DreamLab is the best gallery. All these introductions are to well represent our dreamlab project and make people can be completely immersed in the expo world of dreams.


Design for Communication – 06. World Building (Mindmap & MoodBoard)

Proposal: Dream Lab

Group: Helen Wu & Hongyi Zhang

The idea of our group would like to build a Dream Lab.

Maybe you don’t know that if you live to be 75 years old, you will spend a total of nearly 25 years sleeping, which is almost a third of your life. In one-third of your sleep, you will have a full 6 years of dreaming. Our dream is a very interesting world. Therefore, our group is trying to design a Dream Lab in order to study, use, and enjoy dreams.

Dreams come in various forms. You may find answers to your problems in dreams. You are more likely to have negative dreams than positive dreams. Sometimes, you also can control your dreams. However, you may only remember about 10% of dreams when you wake. The cave paintings are probably a dream diary of prehistoric times. Men and women have different dreams. Dreams are good for your creativity. The brain can incorporate reality into dreams, that may be the  origin of Virtual Reality. Therefore,our design Dream Lab is going to study dreams, give treatment to people through dreams, learn answers to people’s issues from dreams, and get fun from dreams, etc. In mind map, there are four main related ideas to describe the value of project Dream Lab: Definition, Brand Values, Ideas and Topics, and Applications.

Definition — Dream Lab creates image, ideas and provides dream records. People will get service through sleep.

Brand Values — People will get cozy, diversification service from Dream Lab.   

Ideas and Topics – “Do we consume dreams or dreams consume us?”, “Surveillance thoughts”, “Dream is a message”.

Applications – Where Dream Lab serves: Home, Academics, Research, Medical treatment for mental area, Gene Lan, Entertainment…etc.

On the other hand, how could we build Dream Lab? We may follow several areas here  to build: Interface(Virtual world, physical place), Premise(VR, AR, AI…), Mood(Happiness, Dark, Micro, Random…), Tools(PS, AI, Film maker…), Creative ideas(Psychoanalysis, Blog, Arts…).

For the mood board, we think this project is related to mysterious, unknown,curious…etc. So we set the color of the whole project to blue and a little dark. The idea of mood board is most regarding Brain which shows imagination, and the sky to share mysterious  and curious.

Mind Map

Mood Board