Week 2: Interactive Drawing — Reddy

Note: For Week 2 Recitation, I created two sketches: “Reddy has a running nose” and “Reddy has a lot of dues”. The first focuses on the line drawing while the second explores rotation and angles.

Reddy Has a Running Nose

Link to My Sketch: https://openprocessing.org/sketch/1093419





1. At first, I use mouseX and mouseY to create the “due” trace. But since the background erased the previous patterns, the trace was not created successfully.


2. I solve the problem by using lists to store the “dues” and release them through for loop.

3. I found that there were too many dues popping up, so I used if (due_count % 2 == 0) to reduce the number of dues

4. Accidentally deleted the background() in the draw function:

5. If change the position of the for loop, the curvature will be irregular:


Reddy Has a Lot of Dues

Link to Sketch: https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/1092249




Errors in positioning the lines

At first, I wanted to align the starting point of lines with the circle. So I calculated the starting position of the lines.

I bumped into problems:

1. Calculation error. 

2. After changing the formulation of the coordinate, I still got a terrible result:

3. I tried to make the starting points closer to the circle by increasing the denominator:

4. After multiple trials I found that it was better to fix the starting point right at the middle.

Errors in Randomizing colors

At first, I put the “random()” before the setup function and want to globalize it. I got an error message like this:

Then I follow the instructions and move “random()” to the setup function, but got another error message:

Finally, I moved it into the draw function:


In this exercise, I mainly practiced then interactive drawing with mouse functions and angle modes. I got used to using variables and lists to store values. I also learned about the difference between global value and local value (when I defined some variables in the setup function and use them in the draw function, an error message would pop up saying that they were not defined). 

However, I didn’t utilize the key functions and map function to create interactions in the two sketches. In the future, I will explore more functions.


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