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“The Story of a Butterfly” -Interaction Lab Final project | Bella and Yiru


Link of the project: 


“The Story of a Butterfly”


The concept of this project is the life story of a butterfly. While seeking inspiration, I noticed many interactive Arduino bionic projects focused on the fluttering of butterfly wings. These projects are fascinating and beautiful. However, few pay attention to the butterfly’s early life stages. Initially, they are not the beautiful creatures we imagine, but green, unattractive caterpillars on branches, vulnerable to becoming bird prey. Only after hard work and a long wait do they emerge as stunning butterflies. My project aims to showcase this transformation, incorporating interactive elements during the caterpillar and cocoon stages, using a butterfly model with Arduino motors and Strips to emphasize the beauty and create a visual impact, prompting viewers to reflect and appreciate.


1. Scheduling:

First, we assessed the main tasks and established a schedule. Our steps mainly involve creating the computer screen background, decorating the backdrop, and crafting the mesmerizing butterfly. Next, we concealed a servo motor and white thread based on the butterfly’s size to ensure it initially remains hidden at the top of the device, then can fully emerge. Finally, we installed a pressure sensor at the bottom to achieve interactive effects.

Link of my draft:
Link of the processing pictures:

2.Production Process:

The focal element in our project’s construction was the butterfly, crafted using 3D pencils to enhance the depth and beauty of the 3D experience. We integrated a motor sensor, selected for its ability to demonstrate controlled rotational movement, which activates when users press a button. Initially, a larger motor was considered, but its size and weight were impractical. Alongside this, a pressure sensor narrates the butterfly’s story. The coding process involved transferring data from Arduino to the processing unit, vital for both the butterfly’s story and its 3D representation.

Link of the pictures:


To summarize the project’s conclusion from a different perspective: Our primary aim was to highlight the often-overlooked butterfly story. Reflecting on the project, I see room for improvement, especially in increasing interactive elements, as suggested by our audience. My understanding of interaction aligns well with the project’s design. Given more time, I’d enhance interactivity with additional sensors. This project taught us valuable lessons in time management, prioritizing, and the efficiency of collaborative work. Our teamwork was exemplary, and our combined ideas and learnings from the semester have the potential to make a significant impact.

My code of Arduino:


/* This array stores values from Processing */

int processing_values[NUM_OF_VALUES_FROM_PROCESSING];

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>

#ifdef __AVR__

#include<avr/power.h>// Required for 16 MHz Adafruit Trinket


#define PIN1 2 //灯带1引脚

#define NUMPIXELS1 16 // Popular NeoPixel ring size

#define PIN2 3 //灯带2引脚

#define NUMPIXELS2 16 // Popular NeoPixel ring size

Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels1(NUMPIXELS1, PIN1, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels2(NUMPIXELS2, PIN2, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

int Val4=0;

#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo;

void setup()





// These lines are specifically to support the Adafruit Trinket 5V 16 MHz.

// Any other board, you can remove this part (but no harm leaving it):

#ifdefined(__AVR_ATtiny85__) && (F_CPU == 16000000)



// END of Trinket-specific code.


void loop()




int sensor0 = analogRead(A0);

int sensor1 = analogRead(A1);

int sensor2 = analogRead(A2);

String Send = (String)sensor0 + "," + (String)sensor1 + "," + (String)sensor2 + "," + (String)Val4;

if (processing_values[0] == 0)






elseif (processing_values[0] == 1) //LED灯带点亮--绿色,亮度50

{ //FastLED.setBrightness(128);





elseif (processing_values[0] == 2) // LED改变亮度与颜色--黄色,亮度150




RGB_Show2( 85,107,47,255);



elseif (processing_values[0] == 3) // LED改变亮度与颜色--蓝色色,亮度250







elseif (processing_values[0] == 4)






elseif (processing_values[0] == 5 && Val4==0) // LED变暗熄灭


for(int i=255;i>=0;i--)


RGB_Show1( 105,139,i,250);




Val4=1; //发送信号给Processing,希望图片5灭


elseif (processing_values[0] == 6 && Val4==1) //图片5灭了之后出现图片六,Processing发送指令给Arduino

{ Val4=0;//change to here

myservo.write(90); //顺时针

for(int i=0;i<=300;i++) //控制颜色3秒全亮


RGB_Show1( 238,99,99,i);




myservo.write(45); //逆时针


myservo.write(45); //顺时针


myservo.write(45); //逆时针


myservo.write(45); //顺时针


myservo.write(45); //逆时针


myservo.write(45); //顺时针


myservo.write(90); //逆时针





// Serial.print(processing_values[0]);Serial.print("\t");

// Serial.print(processing_values[1]);Serial.print("\t");

// Serial.println(processing_values[2]);


/* Receive serial data from Processing */

/* You won't need to change this code */

void getSerialData() {

staticint tempValue = 0;

staticint valueIndex = 0;

while (Serial.available())


char c =;

switch (c) {

case'0' ... '9':

tempValue = tempValue * 10 + c - '0';



processing_values[valueIndex] = tempValue;

tempValue = 0;




processing_values[valueIndex] = tempValue;

tempValue = 0;

valueIndex = 0;





void RGB_Show1(int R,int G,int B,int brightness)


for(int i=0; i<NUMPIXELS1; i++)


pixels1.setPixelColor(i, pixels1.Color(R, G, B));




void RGB_Show2(int R,int G,int B,int brightness)


for(int i=0; i<NUMPIXELS2; i++)


pixels2.setPixelColor(i, pixels2.Color(R, G, B));



My code of processing:

///p to a
import processing.serial.*;

Serial serialPort;

/* This array stores values you might want to send to Arduino */
int processing_values[] = new int[NUM_OF_VALUES_FROM_PROCESSING];

int x1;
int y1;

/* This array stores values from Arduino */
int arduino_values[] = new int[NUM_OF_VALUES_FROM_ARDUINO];

boolean moveToTarget = false; // 控制img3是否移动
int shakeCount = 0; // 晃动计数器
int shakeDirection = 1; // 晃动方向

int img5Brightness = 255; // 初始亮度设置为最大值 255


PImage img1, img2, img3, img4, img5, img6;

float img3X = 300; // 初始 X 位置
float img3Y = 535; // 初始 Y 位置
float speed = 2; 
boolean canMoveImg3 = false; // 是否可以移动 img3

float targetX = 940; // 目标 X 坐标
float targetY = 330; // 目标 Y 坐标
float tolerance = 100; // 容忍度,例如 10
boolean draggingImg3 = false;

void setup() {

size(1300, 780);

///p to a
// put the name of the serial port your Arduino is connected
// to in the line below - this should be the same as you're
// using in the "Port" menu in the Arduino IDE
serialPort = new Serial(this, "/dev/cu.usbmodem101", 9600);

img1 = loadImage("first page.jpg");
img2 = loadImage("background.jpg");
img3 = loadImage("O1.png");
img4 = loadImage("O2.pndg");
img5 = loadImage("second page.jpg");
img6 = loadImage("last page.jpg");

int currentImage = 1;

void draw() {

if (currentImage == 1) {
image(img1, 0, 0, width, height);
processing_values[0] = 1; ///0 is for strips

} else if (currentImage == 2) {
image(img2, 0,0, width, height);
processing_values[0] = 2;
//add text "welcome to the world 。。。"

} else if (currentImage == 3) {
image(img2, 0,0, width, height);
image(img3, 300, 535, 250, 200);
//add tsxt for introduction 
processing_values[0] = 3;

} else if (currentImage == 4) {

// 在映射的坐标上绘制图像

image(img2, 0,0, width, height);
image(img3, img3X, img3X, 250, 200); // 绘制 img3 在可移动的位置
image(img4, 0, 0, width, height);
processing_values[0] = 4;

// not sure part
if (arduino_values[0] > 400 && !moveToTarget) {
moveToTarget = true;

// img3移动到目标位置
if (moveToTarget && currentImage == 4) {
float dx = targetX - img3X;
float dy = targetY - img3Y;

// 根据速度和距离来更新图像位置
if (abs(dx) > 1) {
img3X += dx * speed / sqrt(sq(dx) + sq(dy));
if (abs(dy) > 1) {
img3Y += dy * speed / sqrt(sq(dx) + sq(dy));

if (abs(img3X - targetX) < tolerance && abs(img3Y - targetY) < tolerance) {
currentImage = 5; // 切换到 img5
moveToTarget = false;

if (currentImage == 5) {
if (arduino_values[0] == 1) {
img5Brightness = 0; // 当value4等于1时,将亮度设置为0
} else {
// 逐渐减少亮度,直到达到某个最小值
img5Brightness = max(img5Brightness - 1, 0); // 每次减少1,但不低于0

tint(255, img5Brightness); // 应用亮度调整
image(img5, 0, 0, width, height); // 显示图像
processing_values[0] = 5;

// 重置tint以影响其他图像
tint(255, 255);
delay(250); //let the screen be black for a while

} else if (currentImage == 6) {
image(img6, 0, 0, width, height);
processing_values[0] = 6;
// send the values to Arduino


void mousePressed() {
if (currentImage < 6) {
} else {
currentImage = 1;

/// send to a
void sendSerialData() {
String data = "";
for (int i=0; i<processing_values.length; i++) {
data += processing_values[i];
// if i is less than the index number of the last element in the values array
if (i < processing_values.length-1) {
data += ","; // add splitter character "," between each values element
// if it is the last element in the values array
else {
data += "\n"; // add the end of data character linefeed "\n"
// write to Arduino
print("To Arduino: " + data); // this prints to the console the values going to arduino

while (serialPort.available() > 0) {
String in = serialPort.readStringUntil( 10 ); // 10 = '\n' Linefeed in ASCII
if (in != null) {
print("From Arduino: " + in);
String[] serialInArray = split(trim(in), ",");
if (serialInArray.length == NUM_OF_VALUES_FROM_ARDUINO) {
for (int i=0; i<serialInArray.length; i++) {
arduino_values[i] = int(serialInArray[i]);


The Earth|Group Research Project Repor


My Performance

The title of our performance is: “The Earth.”

I believe that this performance is not perfect, and its interactive elements are different from what we originally envisioned. We mistakenly focused on the plot and acting, neglecting the fun and interactivity of the props. As a result, during the performance, there was only a paper Earth being rotated by one of the members, which was very monotonous and did not truly demonstrate the interactive device. If there were more time, I would, while keeping the storyline unchanged, make the Earth rotate automatically and manually adjust the speed. For example, I would add a wooden stick in the middle of the Earth, attach a tightened rubber band to the stick, and use the rubber band to drive the rotation of the Earth’s axis.

Comments on the Other Group

“I am very interested in the ‘Hypersomanic 2000’ group’s Magic Door. I think it meets the assignment standards quite well, and the performance effectively demonstrated the functionality of the prop. When students with different needs stood in front of the door, different things appeared. Additionally, the small design elements in their performance enhanced the atmosphere on stage. However, I would suggest making the two doors automatically open and close, for example, when a button is pressed, the doors open.”

My Role

  1. Designed the structure of the Earth prop and crafted it.
  2. Played the role of The Crow Captain.

Our team

Our team collaborated seamlessly. Whenever someone had free time, they would voluntarily come to the studio to work on the props. As a result, we quickly completed the preparation work.”

Relevant Materials

  1. The Script:
  2. Video of the Performance Link:
  3. The Prop Link:

“I am sensitive of sounds” | Mid-term Project

“I am sensitive of sounds” | Mid-term Project |Eric

(Project Picture Link: )


-What Is Interaction?

I believe interaction is the transmission and extension of information between individuals and their creations. I prefer works that engage the senses, allowing me to tangibly perceive the presence of interaction.

In my previous research assignment, I introduced a projector that transforms hand shadows into narratives.

Here is the link of the projector: 

Narratron – Shadow play with a storytelling AI
This device captures patterns of hand shadows, inspiring a form of sensory input in an interactive manner. Thus, for the midterm assignment, I aim to convert audio-input information into visual patterns.

This device is capable of capturing patterns of hand shadows, providing a sensory input that inspired me in a way of sensory communication. Therefore, for the midterm assignment, I aim to convert audio-input information into visual patterns.

-My project

This device is applied to the volume alert system next to study seats in the library. Its uniqueness lies in its anthropomorphic setting, where I liken the device to a “person” sensitive to volume. As the surrounding volume increases, its heartbeat accelerates, and the heartbeat color changes from yellow to red, and then to purple. When the volume exceeds a certain threshold, the nearby red LED will illuminate, signaling the user to lower the volume.

Picture Link:

This project targets students studying in the library or those interested in interaction design. It promises to be an interesting and practical device.

Picture Link:



I believe interaction is the transmission and extension of information between individuals and their creations. I prefer works that engage the senses, allowing me to tangibly perceive the presence of interaction.

With this initial direction in mind, I began to contemplate how to apply it to practical scenarios. My initial concept was to visualize the rhythm of a button, converting it into a combination of LED bulbs that could alter rhythm and bounce up and down, thereby achieving a transformation from tactile to visual sensation.

However, due to the high level of complexity in coding and circuitry, I decided to change my approach. I kept the LED as the material but replaced several individual LED bulbs with an LED strip. The bouncing motion was transformed into variations in LED illumination speed and color.

Picture Link:

I replaced the button with a more interactive sound sensor to enhance the fun element.

Picture Link:

The LED strip’s illumination speed is ideal for displaying an electrocardiogram, and the LED strip is the most suitable material.

Picture Link:

With this, I formed the concept for the final piece.


Video Link:

-Key Steps:

  1. We initially spent an entire afternoon soldering the connections between the LED bulbs and the long wires to match the original presentation of the 16 LEDs. Later, we abandoned the individual LED bulbs in favor of an LED strip. 
      1. Picture Link:
  2.  The design of the electrocardiogram (ECG) appearance was also a challenge. The ECG lines needed to be fine enough to achieve a perfect effect, so carving the cardboard took a long time. Additionally, the LED strip needed to be concealed to create an effect where only the light changes were visible without revealing the specific material. Therefore, multiple layers of frosted plastic film had to be applied to the back of the cardboard. Finally, the ECG trajectory was constructed with stiff cardboard on the plastic film to facilitate sharp turns for the flexible LED strip to fix in place.
      1. Picture Link:
  3.  The most complex part of the entire circuit was the programming.
    1. Our idea was to have a sound sensor control the speed at which each individual bulb in the LED strip lights up. However, both the LED strip and the sound sensor were unfamiliar devices, requiring a significant amount of time to consult websites. Additionally, both the sound sensor’s loop and the LED strip’s loop included “delay()” functions, resulting in a severe delay between the input values and the output of the LED strip.
    2. The values from the sound sensor were highly unstable. When the ambient volume was high, there would be a noticeable peak in the values, but immediately after, they would drop to lower numbers. They did not stay consistently high, which severely affected the final effect.
    3. During the modification after user testing, due to the introduction of color changes and the fact that the bulbs had different lighting speeds in each cycle, all the code needed to be rearranged, which took a considerable amount of time.

-My Roles:

  1. Conceiving the overall idea and adjusting it based on feedback.
  2. Designing the device image and making adjustments.
  3. Selecting materials.
  4. Connecting the circuit.
  5. Designing the appearance of the device.
  6.  Programming.
  7. Assigning tasks and organizing the team.

-Adjustments after user testing:

  1. Changed the LED strip’s cycle lighting speed variation to variation in lighting speed among adjacent LEDs within the strip.
  2. Changed the single red color of the LED strip to color changes based on speed.
    Planned to change the volume reduction prompt from flashing LEDs to a raised sign (not completed due to time constraints).


This project is very interesting, as it vividly illustrates my understanding of interaction while also being practical. However, judging from the audience’s feedback, the interaction method is too simplistic and lacks excitement. This is an area I need to improve upon. Additionally, due to certain bugs in the device itself, the presentation effect did not meet expectations. If there were more time, I would refine the programming, enhance the device’s visual design, and complete the program for the raised sign. Throughout the entire process, I felt the pressure of repeatedly overturning ideas in the creation of the piece, but this is also where the joy of creating lies. Witnessing one’s own ideas gradually come to life is a source of great happiness.

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