9 sketches representing the patterns with randomness!!!
Naughty Circles
I. Geometry Circles.
Firstly, I applied random diameters to those lined up circles. It created a bubble-like sketch just like in the river or ocean.
Then, I added some comlexities. The circles were turning into concentric circles with random strokeWeight. Also, those concentric circles do not have the same interfaces inside, however, you could comprehend it as random circles drawing on one another. For the kinda gradual color changing, it is generated by random rgb in certain realm.
At last, I made all the elements heavier as they were seen before so that the gradual changes from the left-down corner to the right-up corner and inside the concentric circles would be more obvious.
For furthur development, the color could be enriched. It needs not just be gradually changing but to have contradictions on different layers.
II. Random Circles’ Lives.
Four balls beginned their journey from separate starting point. During the process, their diameters and colors were changing which revealed their various experiences. It seems that each of them have their own life path.
For furthur exploration, I created chaos. Random circles in random positions, meaning colliding on each other’s life and having ineraction with each other.
Here disclosed the classification of the society though it’s not so obvious. The ones who stand out are the minorities while the density of lower class is much higher.
Accoding to these three sketches, the outcome struck me that there is the posibility for the sound funtions to combine in. If this could be iterated into motions, when we turn on our mic, the volume of the sound we've been recording is random and it'll bring more random movements for the balls under that circumstance.
III. Circular Rotation but not Rotating.
The sketch presents a simple rotation but not rotating. 🙂
To upgrade it, I added random color to the line when it is rotating so that the visualization could be more satisfying!
I set up random center position for multiple rotations so that they could appear in unexpected places. Each of them was combined by 2 rotations and the lengths of the lines were randomly determined, so they were like lasers or spotlights.
Reflect on the ratation part, lines could be used but also the geometries and the changing of angles so that it might create facet visualization rather than linear ones.