Interaction Lab blog post assignment 1

Interaction can occur between people or between people and objects.

Interaction, in my perspective, is when you perform an action, engage with people or objects, and receive feedback.


One that aligns with my definition

“The Lightwave”!zh

It is “an interactive light sculpture commissioned by one of the biggest music festivals in Poland.”

The appearance of light waves is determined by who is drumming. The faster the drumming, the faster the lights appear. This project aligns with my definition of interaction in that any action you take can result in corresponding feedback, which in this case is when you drum, the lightwave appears.

Each drum represents a long bulb tube that leads to a massive circle lamp. The lamps will turn on and off in time with the beat of the drum. 

One that does not aligns with my definition of interaction!zh

The experience invites customers to wander through an interactive natural world—both real and digital

The pop-up is brought to life by a sensory-stimulating digital application that taps into the Coach Forever SS21 presentation’s palette and purpose. It is an experience that explores several tensions: the natural world and the city, legacy and the future of fashion, tactile leatherwork, and interactive technology, all through the prism of optimism and craft.

The reason, why I think it does not align with my understanding of interaction, is that there is no input and feedback. There are basically just segments of the screen moving around and sound creating an environment.

Remade in China assignment 1

Read the Jacoby _ Introduction to Service-Learning, Service Learning Essentials and post in your journal your answer for the next questions:

  • What is service-learning? What does it mean for different stakeholders? The community you are serving? The faculty teaching the course? The DSS program? And yourself?

Service-learning is a type of experiential education in which students participate in activities that address human and community needs, as well as structured reflection opportunities designed to achieve desired learning outcomes.

Experiences facilitated by student affairs professionals, campus ministers, community partners, and student leaders are eligible, as long as they include the fundamental elements of service-learning, reflection, and reciprocity. Both the recipient and the provider benefit from service-learning. 


Service-learning benefits both recipient and provider. It provides greater benefits to the recipients of the service than volunteering. The goal of service-learning is to strike a balance between student learning and community outcomes. For us, we could learn from the program while the community receives service from us.

It provides opportunities to us to complete tasks that meet human and community needs.

It benefits teachers by offering new ways to reach familiar material and to engage students more deeply in learning, thus invigorating teaching. To explore teaching and learning in ways that have implications for all pedagogies. 

  • Time is very precious in our busy modern-day life. Why are you devoting your precious time to community service?

I really enjoy helping others and while I am contributing to community service I am also learning new skills and can give them back to a bigger community.


Recitation documentation blog post

First circuit:Doorbell

Components: a speaker, a switch, a 100 nF capacitator, a voltage regulator, and a 12v power supply. 

At first, the speaker, capacitor, and switch were on the same line which caused it to become a short circuit. After realizing the problem and fixing it, we were able to use the switch to successfully control the speaker and make a sound.

Second: Lamp

Components: a LED, a switch, a 100 nF capacitator, a voltage regulator, and a 12v power supply. 

The same issue happened again. The LED, the switch, and the capacitor were sharing the same line which created a short circuit. We immediately fixed it by looking at the image of the inner structure to find the correct orientation. Finally we were able to use the switch to control LED switching on and off.

Third: Dimmable Lamp

Components: a variable resistor, a LED, a switch, a 100 nF capacitator, a voltage regulator, and a 12v power supply. 

The variable resistor was introduced in the previous circuit. Because moving the knob changes the amount of resistance the potentiometer delivers to voltage.  As a result, we can adjust the voltage in the form of light brightness on the LED light by connecting a potentiometer to it.

Question 1: In what way do you think that the circuits you built today include interactivity? 

The definition of interaction, according to The Art of Interactive Design, is “a cyclic process in which two actors alternately listen, think, and communicate.” All of the circuits I built had an input and an output. The breadboard “listens” to the input of the push-button sensor and “speaks” through the output of a speaker, dimmable light, or lamp, as the author symbolically states.

Question 2: How can Interaction Design and Physical Computing be used to create Interactive Art?

Users can create and execute circuits with customized outputs and input possibilities using interaction design and computing. We were able to utilize a simple input like a push-button to create a range of outputs ranging from light to music using diverse combinations like the ones exhibited in our recitation circuits. As a result, physical computing may be utilized to turn interaction ideas and designs into motion by converting actions into physical responses and interactions.