RIC Week 12: Prototype Final Progress


We proceeded to adjust our design to better accommodate the garden after having Mr. Zhao try out our prototype. This week’s goals were to redesign our original L-shaped hangers into S-shaped hooks for the garden fence and to strengthen our gutter material.

The top rung of the fence was 2.25cm wide, while the middle rung was 1.5cm wide. We designed the hook’s opening to be 2.5cm wide so that the gutter could be placed on either the top or middle rung. The semi-circle gutter support was then designed with a half-circumference of 15cm. The middle rung of the fence has open sections that are 25cm apart. So, with a 1m long gutter, we determined that 4 hooks were required. We increased the heights of each hook by 1cm increments to hang the gutter at a decline so that water could flow out one side. We were able to cut all four hooks out of a 26x26x1.5cm polypropylene melted plastic board using the CNC. We then went to the garden to see how well the hooks fit on the fence and discovered that it was a good fit.



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