Remade in China week 2 interview jurnal blog

Angel’s meeting journal: 

Participants: Mr.Yan, RIC students, Professor Godoy, Chunhao

Time: 1:15pm-1:45pm Sept. 9th 2021

Purpose: Mr.Yan introduce us to his job responsibilities and surrounding garbage sorting & recycling situations 

What I learned about the community partner:

  • Mr.Yan came from 安徽 anhui province 
  • Mr.Yan earns 15k RMB monthly, as a garbage sorting man this earning really did surprise most of the class.
  • Mr.Yan came to shanghai 27years ago and now he owns a house in Shanghai Pudong district 
  • He introduced us price differences among the metals 
  • He has 6 children and the highest education level is high school.
  • He plans to work for another 10 years.
  • The “government-owned” recycle stations are usually private, meaning they are owned by individuals or companies.


What else happened at the meeting? What did you notice?

  • Two students Steve and max were responsible for translating Mr.Yan’s responses but because a lot of people are all spreading at once I think it makes it a bit tricker to listen to what Mr. Yan was actually saying.
  • Chunhao was helping to ask questions on the side.


What I would like to learn more about and how to find out?

  • I wonder what’s the real policy for garbage recycling and how the process is in Shanghai 
  • Go online or check to see if there’s any contact I could make with the local department. Arrange interviews with local community.

Feel free to add any other useful information like:

  • How did you feel about the meeting? 
  • It was really fun. I learned a lot of things that I should’ve known of but never paid attention to.

    Angel’s meeting journal: 

    Participants: Mr.Zhao, Jennifer Cheung, Lana Damian

    Time: 5:45pm-6:10 pm Sept. 15th 2021

    Purpose: Mr.Zhao introduce us the history of the garden and how its working 

    What I learned from the community partner:

    • Mr.Zhao lives in the building 
    • The Garden was founded by many retired men who live in the building 
    • It’s a place where elderly people can gather and chat 
    • Mr.Zhao doesn’t really have much work, he gets up in the morning and boils some hot water to make tea.
    • There’s certain rules: no drinking, no gambling, no singing, no dancing.
    • The garden was founded by local residents and get no funds from the government or local community.
    • There’s indoor seating, but when the weather is too extreme they would close the garden.

    What else happened at the meeting? What did you notice?

    Due to extreme weather we couldn’t really make it onsite so we chose an online phone call.

    What I would like to learn more about and how to find out?

    I would like to go on site and see the environment. We arranged a meeting next week.

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