Interaction lab fiction blog post

 3 short fiction stories

Story1:The winter market

Using technological headgear, transferring human memories and souls to a robotic body. For this transmission to take place, the human must consent to data being transferred to the robotic body, with the human body ceasing to respond once the transfer is complete. The human will subsequently be placed in a robotic body and will remain in it for the remainder of their lives. And if a part of the body is broken he or she can replace it and switch to a new body using the same technology.

Story 2: Newton’s Sleep 

Viruses and contamination have forced humanity into SPES due to a virus outbreak on Earth in the story Fisherman of the Inland Sea – Newton’s Sleep. The persons chosen for the SPES were chosen for their high quality and live in a confined environment.

The SPES Society’s mental health may be severely harmed as a result of their absence from their mother planet. Virtual reality can be used to recreate Earth’s environment onto the SPES communit2y as part of an interactive media project. Virtual Reality is a sensor-based virtual experience that allows a person to travel around an alternate environment online.

Members of the SPES society can use this, together with Earth’s geographical data, to mimic Earth’s experience, allowing them to remember and experience Earth once more. Virtual Reality is now a reality in our society, but with limited capability and usefulness. Virtual reality, on the other hand, should be able to employ sensors to imitate actual touch by changing the texture of an interactive medium, thanks to advanced technology already available from space colonies.

Story 3: the fish of Lijiang

Our main character was required to complete neurological rehabilitation treatment in Lijiang in order to increase labor productivity. Everything in this beautiful lijiang, including the fish swimming in the pond, is a fabrication.

What I’d like to create is a virtual reality setting based on the concept of “time sense dilation therapy” from the short fiction. However, rather than utilizing it on elderly wealthy guys, I would like to use it on mentally ill people.

“By manipulating certain receptors in the pineal gland, it was possible to slow down one’s sense of time, to dilate it. The body of a person receiving time sense dilation therapy remains in the normal stream of time, but his mind experiences time a hundred, a thousand times slower than the rest of us.”(Chen)

Simultaneously, the VR setting might conjure up a vast paradise in one’s head and provide proper treatment. One may feel as if they have lived for ten years, yet in actuality they have only been for one hour.

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