Here is the link to my project.
My project combines the dancer I drew before in the p5js with interface elements. The position and appearance of the rabbit can be changed by the buttons.
The benefits of using well-understood User Interface elements including having wider application fields and convenience when communicating with diverse people. However, bespoke ones can suit users’ needs better when it comes to individuals’ feeling of using. A generic User Interface element that you wish existed but doesn’t (yet) is that the web will change according to my different gesture. I first reviewed my sketches in p5js and then I found the sketch of a rabbit. I came up with an idea that the elements of the rabbit can be changed by the buttons like in the computer games. During the entire process, I found it difficult to place the canvas inside the designated <div>. The design of the visualization of the website also posed challenges to me. I connected HTML, CSS and Javascript together to create my website. I think writing HTML or CSS differs from Javascript in the methods of managing different types of elements. In HTML, it uses div to place elements, while in javascript, it uses function.