The link to my sketch: Dancing Minions
- Description:
This sketch presents a picture where the minions waves its hands and rocks from left to right slightly, which seems like that it is dancing happily.
- Coding:
I forgot to translate when trying to rotate the minions and thanks to Professor Moon who offered me practical advice.
- Reflections:
When my class does not relying on any code outside of its own definition, I find it easier to check my code when the objects needed to be created are too many. It challenging for me to write code that has to harmonize with the code other people have written because I need to include my definitions and variables in my own part of code and avoid influencing others. I use OOP in my dance class and transform the functions like set up() into methods like constructor() and transform variables like x into properties like this.x. This helps me organize codes for diverse needs in a class to harmonize with the code other people have written.