Pick the memory

As for my Memory Soundscape project, I would like to reflect on my memory of a free and comfortable feeling. I collect a group of sounds of water, including the waves of the sea, raining, spring, river, and so on. I want to use the flow of water to demonstrate the flow of my memory, representing the passing of time, which is part of my childhood memory.

In my 1-minute Sound Mix, I create it based on the waves of the ocean, combined with other “water” voices. I have several pauses in my mix, which represents sudden transitions of different scenes and feelings and a jump imagination.

At this time, memories flood in. I still remember the day I was running beside the sea, chasing the waves. We were having a picnic on the grass along the river. The train whistled while going on the bridge to pass the bay. And the bell tower rang in the heavy rain. Sometimes these beautiful memories are easily forgotten, so I try to catch them. However these gorgeous memories are often short and delicate, so they pause in the middle of the mix. Sometimes at the beginning of the next part of the sound, I make the voice volume increase from whisper to loud.

In all, I would like to reflect some fragments of my memory with “water” in order to show peace and liberty, and it is a feeling concerning brightness sunshine and spring. Actually I don’t manage to mix up these sounds or generate them well, but I am still trying to express all of my thoughts in the Memory Soundscape project.

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