Pioneer Plaque

According to our image, the human’s technology we chose is the umbrella, and we are trying to explain the gravity on the earth in order to show the aliens how to use the umbrella when it is rainy.

As we can see, on the top of our image, we have drawn four pictures of the structure of an umbrella, so that it can be seen clearly and easy to understand. The structure of umbrella contains the image of the an opened and closed umbrella as well as how the ribs of umbrella support it inside.

Besides, the image below shows a whole scene of the reasons and situation of using an umbrella: First we drew an earth, which is the planet where we live. Then we drew some arrows in order to show the gravity, which is a concept in physics. As it is said in the fiction, the scientists try to talk about physics in order to communicate with the aliens, and the aliens are interested in the result of law in physics. Apart from the arrows, we created two people standing on the land. Actually they don’t stand in a vertical direction to the bottom of the paper, but they stand safely because of the gravity on the earth. The gravity is a kind of interaction between earth and all the lives and objects inside the earth atmosphere. Compared with other planets where there are not probably any gravity, so we try to use it to explain this significant theory to the aliens. Also, we drew some clouds and raindrops, showing the earth’s gravity, so that raindrops will fall down to the ground. At the same time, it shows a rainy scene on our planet in which people can’t bear being wet, therefore, the umbrella is an important invention to human. As for the two people, the woman on the left is holding an umbrella, so she won’t get wet in the rain. We also drew a smile face next to the woman, which means holding an umbrella makes her happy. In contrast, the man doesn’t have an umbrella, and he has a sad face because he will get wet in the rain. We try to use the comparison to illustrate the importance of using umbrella when in the rainy days.

When it comes to our cooperation, Dana and I worked in a pair in order to create this image. Dana came up with this idea about explaining how human’s umbrella works because it seems that the aliens don’t use umbrella on their planet since their body structure looks like a robot. Then we discussed the elements that we want to put in our image. After reaching an agreement, we went back to the dorm to draw a picture on our own. We created our artworks differently, since hers was like the steps of explanation to the aliens, and mine was like a summary. As a consequence, after giving advice to each other, we decided to put our pictures together, showing the details of an umbrella as well as a whole scene on the earth. Finally our artwork was created successfully.

Hopefully, our explanation of the umbrella is clear and can be easily understand to the aliens.

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