The Uncertainty of Documentarism Reading Response

Steyerl talks about how the “unbroken belief” of the documentary form is challenged. What does Steyerl mean by this? Certain movies and films are based on a true story. How does truth inform the fiction? How might fiction inform the truth? What Steyerl means is that documentary form loses its original authenticity. It is no longer a Continue reading The Uncertainty of Documentarism Reading Response

Machine Learning Assignment 7

Concept I tried to use Tracery to build a grammar to imitate Chuck Palahniuk’s style. Quick introduction of Chuck Palahniuk: he’s famous for Fight Club and Haunted. And he’s also happened to be my favorite author. Chuck Palahniuk has a very distinctive writing style. One of the techniques he uses stands out. It’s hard to give it a Continue reading Machine Learning Assignment 7

Sharing Album: memories through poses

Sharing Album: memories through poses by Aislynn Li 2022 March Sharing Album: memories through poses is an album that exists on a web page and simulates the future of sharing albums. It is based on the idea that future memories are stored in the pictures in sharing albums. Only when the user’s pose is the Continue reading Sharing Album: memories through poses

Machine Learning Assignment 5

Human of AI COCO is the database behind these three artworks that links to “91 object types that would be easily recognizable by a 4 year old”. It’s also a special database since the labeled objects in the database are not shown in the normal circumstances, but rather in some coincidental environments which also include other Continue reading Machine Learning Assignment 5

In Our Own Image Reading Response

1. What does Ritchin mean with the “fluidity of the digital”? Give an example of digital imaging/digital photography that exemplifies this. “Fluidity of the digital” replaces the mechanical age with the “post-photographic age”. By changing the architecture of the image, digital photography is not just another kind of photography but another medium. “Fluidity of the Continue reading In Our Own Image Reading Response