creative coding lab

Sudden: A Story About Facing Deadly Threat

Sudden: A Story About Facing Deadly Threat by Aislynn Li 2021 Sudden is an interactive article. It is a four-page story about “you” who suddenly encounters a shooting during a trip and has an open-ended ending. Users can “hover” to read parts of the story and participate in the storyline by clicking, dragging the mouse, Continue reading Sudden: A Story About Facing Deadly Threat

Aislynn’s Project Proposal Prompt (Project B)

 1) Working Title and Elevator Pitch  Working Title: “When you face death”. Elevator Pitch: This project will be an interactive story about facing death. The story will be an adapted version of my experience and feelings of the 2016 Munich shooting.  2) Concept The topic is mainly about the mental state when people(I) face death. Continue reading Aislynn’s Project Proposal Prompt (Project B)

Mini Project 8 “Blinking” Documentation

Project title:  Blinking Project link: Here is the demo of my project: Blinking is an interactive portraiture. It is called Blinking because every time it changes feels like you blink and focus again. And somehow, you can see the inner version or the ghost version of yourself. To start, I filled the screen with Continue reading Mini Project 8 “Blinking” Documentation

Mini Project 7 “New J Planet” Documentation

Project title: New J planet Project link: Project live version: This project is based on J planet, using <input> to reflect the interactivity of J planet on the web page, to achieve easier interaction. The first feature I added was to choose the color of the planet, using <input type=”color”>: The second feature is that Continue reading Mini Project 7 “New J Planet” Documentation

Reading Response: New Media Art

The author’s definition of New Media Art is probably, “…projects that make use of emerging media technologies and are concerned with the cultural, political, and aesthetic possibilities of these tools. (1)” This is probably in line with what I know about New Media Art now, and what could be updated is the expansion of categories of media Continue reading Reading Response: New Media Art

Mini Project 9R “Liability” Documentation

Project title: Liability Project link: This project (website) is a presentation of the lyrics of the song “Liability” by Lorde. I think it’s a song that is filled with strong emotions, and the emotions are increasing by degrees. And I tried to represent the various stages of emotional change through this website as follows: First Continue reading Mini Project 9R “Liability” Documentation

Reading Response: Long Live The Web

The author mentions some beneficial and “ill effects” of the Web. As for me, beneficial effects are mostly shown as the web connects people from entirely different places and social circles. For example, China re-released Lord of the Rings this year, and fans gathered through the web to organize various viewing events. I personally was Continue reading Reading Response: Long Live The Web

J Planet: A Place You Seize and Let It Go

J Planet: A Place You Seize and Let It Go by Aislynn Li 2021 J planet is a planet with a unique character. When you first meet it, it will generate random colors and shapes for you. It warmly welcomes any particles in the universe. Any particle that its little collector touches, it is willing Continue reading J Planet: A Place You Seize and Let It Go

Mini Project 5 “Smart Cat” Documentation

Project title: Smart Cat Project link: Here is the demo of my project: My dancer is called Smart Cat. Because her left ear droops down, which looks like a smart’s haircut. Firstly, I drew the mustache of Smart Cat. I used loop to draw the three lines, which might be a waste. I also used noise() Continue reading Mini Project 5 “Smart Cat” Documentation

Mini Project 4 “Mr.Green” Documentation

Project title: Mr.Green Project link: Here is the demo of my project: My imaginary creature is called Mr.Green. He’s a deep-sea plant that regards himself as a fish. He’s always trying to swim with his “fish tails”, but unfortunately they don’t function properly. Since there are not many creatures in the deep sea, Mr.Green is super Continue reading Mini Project 4 “Mr.Green” Documentation