Pick Your Memory

It was from our field trip to an exhibition on the machine learning class this semester. During that time, I was in a very bad state of mind, struggling through everyday.

That exhibition was about AI. All the exhibits were placed inside a very, very large room. It was huge for the small numbers of exhibits, therefore very empty, with very white walls. Because the exhibition was delayed for us, there was no one else in the exhibition hall except us four students, the professor and two staffs. Therefore, I had the full space to dive into these AI artworks alone. 

The exhibition hall resounded with the sound made by various AI artworks. The musics made by AI. It was a world occupied by machines. I lost in it. The sound of the machine rang around me, there was no one around, just me, the white wall and the machine. I remember wandering away, as if I were in a different world.

Then, I saw on one of the exhibits a real-time view of someone from another part of the planet. That was a girl, wearing a halter dress, walked into the screen and started waiting to cross the street. It was a colorful and peaceful summer there. I couldn’t hear the sound, but it was as if I could. It was as if I had entered her world and I could hear the sounds of a peaceful summer afternoon. I was dragged back to the real world and to human society all at once. I was so touched by the connection we, two human beings, made in such a far apart environment.

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