A workshop on methodologies in the spatial humanities will take place in Paris, 4-8 June 2018 at the Ecole normale supérieure and NYU Paris, entitled “Exploring the Geographic Information of Literature and Art History” / “Cartographie numérique en littérature et en histoire de l’art.”

The hashtag for the event #nyupslgeo.




M, 4 June  am: arrivals
14:00-15:00 Ecole normale supérieure, 29 rue d’Ulm, Paris, Room 235A

(NB: 29, rue d’Ulm is not the 45 rue d’Ulm) Access without ENS card from 24, rue Lhomond.

Introduction to the workshop program

Program hashtag: #nyupslgeo

Collective project: Lexique trilingue en humanités spatiales

Participant introductions

Sharing gmails / collective material folder

15:00-17:00 Sources et questions spatiales en histoire de l’art (Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, ENS PSL) (40 mins)

Approaches to Creating and Visualizing Geodata from Humanities Sources (David Joseph Wrisley) (40 mins)

Introduction to sample raw materials for hands on (30 mins)

Software check for Tuesday

17:30-19:00 Informal get-together:  instructors and organizers only
Tu, 5 June 


Ecole normale supérieure, 29 rue d’Ulm, Paris, Room 235B

Access without ENS card from 24, rue Lhomond.

  Map platforms: low barrier to QGIS (Taylor HixsonNYU Abu Dhabi; Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel)
12:30-14:00 Lunch, 45, rue d’Ulm 
14:00-17:00 Working with the Edinburgh GeoParser to extract entities from text using an English translation of Jules Verne’s Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours (David Joseph Wrisley)

Matching Entities with Geodata using OpenRefine (Taylor Hixson)

Software check for Wednesday

W, 6 June Ecole normale supérieure, 29 rue d’Ulm, Paris, Room 235B

Access without ENS card from 24, rue Lhomond.

10:00-12:30 Geocoding from (Old) Street Addresses (Julien Cavero, Artl@s)

Storymaps (Sarah Demott, NYU New York and Catherine Dossin, Purdue U)

12:30-14:00 Lunch, 45, rue d’Ulm
14:00-17:00 Theory/Practice of Named Entity Recognition (NER) using materials from FranText (Alexander Erdmann, NYU Abu Dhabi/Herodotus Project – Ohio State U)

Software check for Thursday

Th, 7 June


Ecole normale supérieure, 29 rue d’Ulm, Paris, Room 236

Access without ENS card from 24, rue Lhomond.

10:00-12:30 Hands on with raw textual data (literature / art history): this session’s objective is to have engage hands on with some textual data and to produce some “new” geodata.  

We will split into groups to work on different methods: OpenRefine, NER, geocoding from addresses

12:30-14:00 Lunch, 45, rue d’Ulm

walk to NYU Paris

14:30-16:30 NYU Paris, 57, blvd Saint-Germain, Auditorium

Short project presentations (10 minutes):

    • “Mapping Beirut Print Culture” David Joseph Wrisley, NYU Abu Dhabi
    • “Mapping Early Arabian Poetry” Marcel Kupershoek, NYU Abu Dhabi 
    • “Maghrebin Archipelago: Mapping Mediterranean Mobility” Sarah Demott, NYU New York
    • “Artl@s” Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, ENS PSL
    • “Automatic Extraction of Art Catalog Data with Convolutional Neural Networks” David Tidmarsh, ENS Paris-Saclay
    • “Where in the Real World is Game of Thrones?” Alex Erdmann, Ohio State U/NYU Abu Dhabi
    • “Re-penser Rome comme une anthologie, la Street Poetry des ‘Poeti der Trullo’” Giovanni Pietro Vitali, Université de Poitiers, Marie Curie Research Fellow (UCC, NYU, Reading)

Collective discussion

  coffee break
17:00-20:00 NYU Paris, 57 blvd Saint-Germain, Auditorium


“Surveiller son chat: pourquoi une carte?”  Pierre Cassou-Noguès (Université Paris-VIII)

in conversation with Grégory Chatonsky (Postdoc Postdigital, ENS/PSL), Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel and David Joseph Wrisley

  Reception, NYU Paris 8th floor
8 June


Ecole normale supérieure, 29 rue d’Ulm, Paris, Room 236

Access without ENS card from 24, rue Lhomond.

10:00-12:30  Javascripting for map making (Moacir P. de Sá Pereira, NYU New York)
12:30-14:00 Lunch, 45, rue d’Ulm
14:00-17:00 Final discussion / Notes for white paper 


The workshop has been generously funded by the New York University Paris Sciences Lettres Global Alliance (NYU PSL). The workshop is open by application only, and to any faculty or graduate students from the NYU campuses and from within PSL.