
Intern Intel: East Doc Platform

by Pamela Pan   The East Doc Platform is part of the Institute of Documentary Films, an influential and award-winning nonprofit organization in Eastern and Central Europe. Every year, East Doc hosts a series of networking, screening and workshop events on the One World Human Rights Film Festival, becoming the meeting point for over 100 Continue reading Intern Intel: East Doc Platform

Rumburk with ROMEA: A Weekend with Romani Students from Across the Czech Republic

by Nandini Kochar   I have the pleasure of interning at ROMEA, a nonprofit organization that advocates for the rights of the Czech Republic’s marginalized Roma population. As part of the internship, my friend Vitoria and I recently had the opportunity to spend a weekend in the small town of Rumburk with Romani high school Continue reading Rumburk with ROMEA: A Weekend with Romani Students from Across the Czech Republic

Being A Feminist Gamer in the Czech Republic

Being A Feminist Gamer in the Czech Republic

by Tiffany Zhang What image comes to your head when you think of a video gamer? Possibly an awkward, antisocial, pimply and nerdy-looking teenage boy, who locks himself up in his room all day staring mindlessly into a computer screen, while his fingers are busy clicking vigorously on a mouse, a keyboard or a controller. Continue reading Being A Feminist Gamer in the Czech Republic

Former NYU Prague students: Where Are They Now?

Former NYU Prague students: Where Are They Now?

by Leah Gaffen   Around 5,000 students have spent a semester at NYU Prague over the past 20 years. We contacted a few to find out how their time in Prague affected the trajectory of their lives.        Nicole Farnsworth (Fall, 2001) Seventeen years ago, I was enjoying similar brightly-colored fall leaves while Continue reading Former NYU Prague students: Where Are They Now?