Chloe Hum

Coffee in Prague is More Than Just a Pick-me-up

Coffee in Prague is More Than Just a Pick-me-up

By: Chloe Hum If you ever want to visit the heart of New York, don’t go to Times Square, go visit a local coffee shop. Baristas are juggling 10 things at once, students argue over the latest gossip, and caffeine-addicted individuals rush in-and-out of the shop, desperately seeking their next fix. This environment encapsulates New Continue reading Coffee in Prague is More Than Just a Pick-me-up

What They Don’t Tell You About Study Abroad

What They Don’t Tell You About Study Abroad

By Chloe Hum The first steps I took in Europe were the stairs leading off the plane in London. I was departing the plane when I happened to lose footing and fall down the last few steps. Evidently, the exhaustion of traveling combined with the struggle of flying alone set me up for a great Continue reading What They Don’t Tell You About Study Abroad