NYU Declassified Guide #5: In Sickness and in Health

No matter where you are, being a college student is tough. Your classes can be demanding, your dorm room can feel cramped, and you’re constantly behind on laundry. Being more than four thousand miles away, though, understandably comes with a whole new set of challenges. In this Declassified, we give our best advice to feeling better whether your problem is physical or mental. No matter the problem, we’ve been through it, and we’ve learned a lot along the way.

Tip #131: Do absolutely nothing.

Traveling while studying abroad can be exciting and full of new experiences, but it can also be tiring on your body. Between juggling school, clubs, and traveling every weekend, you are putting an insane amount of stress on your body. Trust me… as someone who got very sick due to not getting a proper rest, I know. It’s okay to stay in Prague or even stay in your room for a couple of days. Build back up your energy with a day of rest, self-pampering, and a good dorm-cooked meal. 

Tip #23: Just try to distract yourself from negative thoughts! 

Honestly, the only thing that truly helps me to overcome homesickness or sadness is saying to myself: “I should not let my emotions mess up my time in Prague, I appreciate it and I will enjoy it as much as I can.”

Stress blankets you when your daily routine gets too expected, nothing new happens and you don’t feel excitement anymore. At least, this is what my experience shows. So, another tip — create a list of places in Prague you haven’t seen yet. That is a great way to explore the city one more time and also distract yourself from a shade of sadness.

Tip #47: Don’t be afraid to talk about it

While studying abroad, there is a lot of pressure to make the most of every minute. I’ve found that I often feel guilty for feeling homesick or tired, as if it makes me ungrateful for this opportunity. This is not true. Gratitude for being abroad and feeling tired or lonely are not mutually exclusive. So, as others have mentioned, don’t be afraid to rest. But also remember that most of your classmates are probably feeling the same way. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your friends here and tell them how you are feeling. Chances are they will completely understand where you are coming from, and it will help you feel less alone.

Tip #398: Make a list, and then another list, and then another

When I get stressed out, I always feel like my mind is moving in a million directions, and I can’t sort it out. I have a pressing need to get everything done, but I’m so overwhelmed that I don’t even know where to start. The cure to this? Make lists. First, write down big picture stuff: all the big projects you have coming up, ordered by due date. Then, make a list of things to do this week. Put these in order, too, with due dates and times. Then, write a list of things you need to do today. This exercise always calms me down and makes me feel more prepared to tackle my work. It lets you see both the big picture and the little one, and you usually have less work day-to-day than it seems. It also feels great to cross things off, and this way, you have three lists to do it on.

Tip #897: Go outside!

Physical activity is proven to reduce stress and help clear your mind. Prague has a bunch of beautiful parks, gardens and other green spaces. Try to explore them as much as you can for a change of pace after hard study days. Go for a walk or a run (by the way, there is a long running/cycling trail by the Vltava river, the views are mesmerizing!), bring a friend with you and enjoy nature. There is nothing better for both your physical and mental health than spending time outdoors. Moreover, there is a very simple app called Rekola for bike renting — try it out and explore Prague on a bike to see more beautiful places.

Tip #496: Vent.

When it comes to dealing with stress, school, the loneliness of studying abroad, or really anything, reach out to your friends. I know the time difference can be incredibly trying, but the best thing to do is talk to your parents and home friends. Though everyone abroad is amazing, it’s nice to have a familiar voice to speak to. It’s easy to forget to call, but don’t take the people in your life for granted. They will provide you with a much-needed sense of comfort and home. 

Tip #152: Treat yourself! Go get a massage, facial, or have a sauna day. 

School and life itself are so stressful. Suddenly, you have twelve assignments due at midnight, you feel off mentally, and pimples are popping up everywhere. My advice for you is to treat yourself. Put the pen down and exit out of that 40 page reading. Go out and go to a sauna, get a massage, or do some yoga. It allows you to clear your mind and gain a new perspective. You are not a machine who can print off papers in 10 minutes while doing assignment after assignment without a break. Take a break and blow off some steam (or take some in). The work will still be there, but at least that knot in your neck is gone and you feel rejuvenated and refreshed. 

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