February 2022

Weekend Trip: Budapest vs. Vienna

Weekend Trip: Budapest vs. Vienna

By Andrés Quiroga-Elizondo Last weekend, some friends and I decided to take our first venture out of the Czech Republic for a weekend trip to Budapest and Vienna. At 4:30 am on Friday, we swung on our stuffed backpacks and left Machova to catch a 5:30 train on its way to Budapest. After the seven-hour Continue reading Weekend Trip: Budapest vs. Vienna

Pre-Departure Checklist: Dealing with Nerves

Pre-Departure Checklist: Dealing with Nerves

By Joanna Yip Ever since high school, I knew I was going to study abroad in college. A built-up image of study abroad marinated in my head for years: Pinterest-worthy photos, delicious local food, beautiful sceneries, new city every weekend and new friends to experience it all with. Then finally, my application and visa were Continue reading Pre-Departure Checklist: Dealing with Nerves

What They Don’t Tell You About Study Abroad

What They Don’t Tell You About Study Abroad

By Chloe Hum The first steps I took in Europe were the stairs leading off the plane in London. I was departing the plane when I happened to lose footing and fall down the last few steps. Evidently, the exhaustion of traveling combined with the struggle of flying alone set me up for a great Continue reading What They Don’t Tell You About Study Abroad