April 2016

Uranium Revlelations: Political Prisoners Trip

Uranium Revlelations: Political Prisoners Trip

by Emily Bertha   Contrary to the fact that I regularly eat cheese even though I am severely lactose intolerant, I do actually want to be happy. When I signed up for the Political Prisoners trip to Jachymov, I knew it was not going to be a weekend full of lighthearted laughs and unicorns. Yet Continue reading Uranium Revlelations: Political Prisoners Trip

Underground: Tunnels Below Trdelnik

by Emily Bertha Old Town Square in Prague is often known by tourists for its magnificent church, astronomical clock, restaurants, too many segways, and trdelnik (which is in fact not a “donut cone.” Culture yourself if you have not already folks, and do not believe everything a Buzzfeed article tells you). But what lurks underneath Continue reading Underground: Tunnels Below Trdelnik