Sustainable shopping and living

Tips for a greener lifestyle

At the academic centre

  • reduce printing materials
  • Recycle! – there are recycling bins for paper and plastic in both academic buildings
  • use a water bottle instead of disposable cups 
  • turn the lights off when leaving classrooms and bathrooms

At the dorms

  • Recycle! – there are recycling bins in all kitchens and study spaces. Please make sure to take these out regularly
  • Turn off the lights when you leave a room including common areas
  • Wait for the dishwasher to fill up before running the washing cycle

Zero Waste Shopping

Zero Waste stores in Prague 


Bělehradská 96
Praha 2, 120 00
(with community compost)

Radhošťská 2278/1,
Praha – Vinohrady, 130 00

Pod Kaštany 5,
Praha 6, 160 00


Jaromírova 726/15
Praha 2 – Nusle
128 00


Zázvorkova 25/3,
155 00 Praha 5

Farmers’ Markets 

There are regular farmers markets at a number of locations in Prague held on the weekends and sometimes on workdays from early spring until late fall. You can buy seasonal produce as well as cosmetics, fashion and hand-crafted items. Don’t forget to bring a bag, or do as the locals do and get a hand-woven basket! 

Heřmaňák Farmers’ Market

Řezáčovo náměstí (check their FB page for dates and times)

Zero-waste farmers market close to Osadní dorm. Make sure to bring your own bag and containers and shop for a wide variety of products

Other Farmers’ Markets 

For a more extensive list of farmers’ markets, visit the Farmers’ markets page


Sustainable Fashion Brands

You can find some suggestions for sustainable fashion brands in this article.

Second Hand and Thrift Stores

There are many thrift stores and second hand stores around Prague, here are some suggestions: 

Prague Thrift Store

Budečská 13, Praha 2

Dukelských Hrdinů 21, Praha 7

Textile House

Charvátova 11, Praha 1 110 00

Dělnická 1131/37