
I lost something in the academic centre.

Ask at the Richtruv Dum reception or in the BB Hub, that is where lost items end up after we find them. 

I lost my ID.

Please contact Yveta Kenety as soon as possible. She will help you replace your card, which we need to get from Card Services in New York. Students will have to pay a fine of $25 (this will be put on their NYU account). The new card will be ready within several days. Please use another ID to show at housing to prove your identity until the replacement NYU ID card arrives.

I am not feeling well and may have to miss class.

If you feel sick and cannot go to your class, you must email your professor as well as Academic Director Vanda Thorne and/or your RA on duty (posted on the whiteboard in your residence hall)
  • Same day absences: contact your professor as well as Academic Director Vanda Thorne and your RA on duty. Your absence must be corroborated by a member of staff who must come and see you in person on the day of your reported absence during the day or the dorm duty rounds (10 -11 pm) at the latest. 
  • Absences longer than a day: We require a doctor’s note for any absences due to medical reasons longer than a day. Please send the doctor’s note to Academic Director Vanda Thorne as soon as possible after your appointment. 
  • Medical emergencies

What is my mailing address?

Please use the mailing address of the academic centre for any mail or packages:
Malé náměstí 2
Praha 1
110 00


I lost my keys.

Lost keys should be reported to the Building Manager and students will be charged for their replacement and any lock-changing costs. There is a $30 charge for lost keys which will be charged to your NYU account.

I ran out of toilet paper / paper towels / cleaning supplies at the dorm.

Check your dorm web for info on where and how you can replenish these supplies: Osadní / Máchova.

There is a broken lightbulb/showerhead/appliance in my room.

Please report any repairs on the “repairs and supplies” sheet in the hallway at your dorm and the staff will attend to it as soon as possible during their working hours. 

Who is responsible for cleaning my apartment/room?

The common spaces in our dorms are cleaned three times a week. This includes kitchens and bathrooms in your apartments. You are responsible for cleaning your own room, including taking out the trash and for washing the dishes – luckily, we have dishwashers!

How do I go about guests at the dorms?

Generally, we distinguish between short term guests and overnight guests. Short term guests can check in at the guard using their id and must leave the premises before midnight on the same day.

Overnight guests have to be approved in advance by your suitemates and roommates, as well as the residence hall staff. Please check with your BM or on the dorm page (Osadní/Máchova) for the specific procedure. Overnight guests may stay up to 3 consecutive nights and up to 6 nights per calendar month. You may have no more than 2 overnight guests at one time. There is also a limit to the number of guests in each building at any given time.

I need to book a practice room. 

Please follow the instructions on booking practice rooms using Google Calendar. Make sure not to book longer slots than 1,5 hours at a time and do not book more than 2 weeks in advance to allow enough time for everyone. Practice rooms are only available outside of quiet hours (7 am – 10 pm). If you have any questions, please email prague-programing@nyu.edu.