Orientation Schedule Fall 24

Quick links:

Sunday, Aug 25
Monday, Aug 26
Tuesday, Aug 27
Wednesday, Aug 28
Thursday, Aug 29
Friday, Aug 30
Saturday, Aug 31
Sunday, Sep 1

Sunday, Aug 25

9am – 5pm Airport pick up

Look for NYU staff at the airport if you arrive between 9am and 5pm on Sunday. 

2 pm & 6 pm (not only) Grocery Run & Neighborhood Walk

Your RAs will take you on a short walk around the dorm and show you where to buy groceries, where the nearest tram or metro stop is, where to eat, and other useful and fun places. Please meet them outside the dorm.

8pm Pizza Dinner in dorms

Monday, Aug 26

9 am Breakfast

Máchova – in your kitchens
Osadní – 4th floor study lounge

9:30 am Meeting for Music Students in Osadní dorm

Meet our music program staff in the 4th floor TV lounge and learn about our music program, the facilities you can use and opportunities for getting immersed in the local music scene. This meeting is mandatory for all music majors

Floor Meetings and Survival Orientation – mandatory

Each floor/ apartment will meet with the Building manager and RAs to get to know the dorm and the local rules.
During the Survival Orientation session, you will get to know what NYU Prague has to offer, what to expect during the semester and how to make the most of your study abroad semester. We will also cover medical info, safety and other practical info. 


Floor Meetings

10 – 10:30 am Apartments nr. 6/2, 7, 9, 10, 11  please meet the staff in the ground floor study lounge
11:30 am – 12 pm
Apartments  1, 3, 4, 5, 6/1 please meet the staff in the ground floor study lounge

Survival Orientation

10 – 11 am Apartments 1, 3, 4, 5, 6/1 please meet the staff in the 5th floor study lounge
11 am – 12 pm Apartments nr. 6/2, 7, 9, 10, 11  please meet the staff in the 5th floor study lounge


Floor Meetings

10 – 11 am Apartments Apt. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 please meet the staff in the 4th floor study lounge
11 – 12 am Apartments 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 please meet the staff in the 4th floor study lounge

Survival Orientation

10 – 11 am Apartments 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 please meet the staff in the 4th floor TV room
11 – 12 am Apartments 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12
 please meet the staff in the 4th floor TV room

12:30 pm Survival Walk to the Academic Centre – mandatory

Meet your RA in front of your dorm and find out how to get to the academic centre where your classes will take place. You will also see some important and useful places along the way, such as where to exchange money, where to get lunch around campus, etc.

1:30 – 2:30 pm Lunch at NYU Prague Academic Centre

2:30 pm Wellness Orientation – mandatory

Meet Lea Savic, our Wellness Counselor and get useful tips about wellness. The meeting will be held in Havel classroom, RD. 

3:15 – 3:30 pm Coffee Break

3:30 – 5 pm Welcome to NYU Prague + Screening of Power of the Powerless – mandatory

6:30 pm Online signup for Orientation Cultural Events, Tours and Activities

Learn more about our cultural events, tours and activities during orientation and how to sign up.

7 pm Suite Meet

Meet with your suite mates and your RAs in your kitchen to discuss the “ground rules” for your apartment! Sweet treats will be provided!

Tuesday, Aug 27

10:30 am – 1 pm Intro to Czech – mandatory

Learn the basics of the Czech language! Find your group and classroom.

1 – 2 pm Lunch Break

You can find tips for where to eat around the academic centre in the Living in Prague section.

2 – 5 pm Global Context Class– mandatory

Get the essential background for your future classes and learn more about Czech history and culture.  Find your group and classroom.

5 – 6 pm Non-credit Internship Fair and Activities Fair

Immerse yourself and make the most of your stay by taking up a non-credit internship! You will get a chance to talk to the individual internship mentors and find the best fit for you. 
At the Activities Fair, you can explore all of the wonderful programming that we have on offer for you this semester. 

8 pm Dinner with RAs

RAs will take you to a local restaurant! Main course + one non-alcoholic drink covered by NYU. You will receive more info from your RAs.

Wednesday, Aug 28

10:30 am – 1 pm Intro to Czech – mandatory

Learn the basics of the Czech language! Find your group and classroom.

1 – 2 pm Lunch Break

2 – 5 pm Global Context Class – mandatory

Get the essential background for your future classes and learn more about Czech history and culture.  Find your group and classroom.

5:30 pm Humans of Prague: Experience the Diversity – mandatory

Meet members of various ethnic and minority communities living in the Czech Republic. Refreshments provided. 

Humans of Prague: Experience the Diversity

Thursday, Aug 29

Classes start

Make sure to check your schedule.

9 am Film students go to FAMU

Please meet the FAMU representative in the Osadní courtyard

1 – 1:30 pm StuCo meeting

Are you considering becoming a part of our Student Council? Stop by this info session to find out more about StuCo

12 pm & 7 pm Best of Prague Walking Tour

If you are signed up, meet Simon North outside of the Blue Building. 
You can sign up for orientation cultural events, walking tours and activities on Monday, Aug 26.

Orientation Walking Tours and Activities

6 pm Opera: The Secret

If you signed up, meet the staff in front of your dorm.
You can sign up for orientation cultural events, walking tours and activities on Monday, Aug 26.

Opera: The Secret

7:15 pm Letní Letná – Entre Chiens et Louves

If you signed up, meet the staff in front of the Blue Building.
You can sign up for orientation cultural events, walking tours and activities on Monday, Aug 26.

Letní Letná: Entre Chiens et Louves

Friday, August 30

11 am – 12 pm Online Signup for Trips

Explore the Czech Republic beyond Prague with us for free! Stay tuned for more information on our trips and be ready to sign up! The signup link will be posted on the Trip Signup Page at 11 am sharp, so be ready – spots fill up fast. At this stage, you will be able to sign up for 1 trip and go on the waitlist for another trip. We will offer additional open spots later during the semester as well! Keep an eye our for our weekly newsletter the Sunday Scoop! 

1 – 4 pm Interactive Test – mandatory

Please meet us in Havel, RD.

Make sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and bring some water and an umbrella/raincoat in case it rains.

Put your newly gained knowledge about Czech history, culture and language to the test during this fun interactive activity that will take you on an adventure in the centre of Prague. The 3 best teams will win great prizes such as a 3-month metro pass!

4:15 – 7 pm Welcome Boat Cruise on Vltava River

Our RAs will take you to the boat directly from the Interactive Test location. Make sure to hang around!

Saturday, August 31

12:30 pm Picnic in Stromovka Park 

Join us for some fun, food and games in the beautiful Stromovka park and find new friends!
Please note that the event will be canceled in case of rain.
Please sign up by Wednesday, Aug 30, so that we know how much food to order. 

Orientation Picnic

5:15 pm Opera: Figaro’s Wedding

If you signed up, meet the RAs in front of the Blue Building. 
You can sign up for orientation cultural events, walking tours and activities on Monday, Aug 26.

Opera: Figaro’s Wedding

Sunday, Sep 1

1:30  – 4:30 pm Sketching Workshop 

If you signed up, please meet Simon North inside Richtrův Dům on the 1st floor.
You can sign up for orientation cultural events, walking tours and activities on Monday, Aug 26.

Sketching workshop

2 pm Best of Prague Walking Tour

If you are signed up, meet the guide outside of the Blue Building. 
You can sign up for orientation cultural events, walking tours and activities on Monday, Aug 26.

Orientation Walking Tours and Activities

6:45 pm Letní Letná: PIC

If you are signed up, please meet the RAs in front of your dorm. 
You can sign up for orientation cultural events, walking tours and activities on Monday, Aug 26.

Letní Letná: PIC