List of Common Allergens and their Czech Equivalents
Grains containing gluten = Obiloviny obsahující lepek
gluten = lepek (leh-pehk)
wheat = pšenice
barley = ječmen
rye = žito
oats = oves
Shellfish/Seafood = Mořské plody
Crustaceans = Korýši
Crab = Krab
Lobster = Humr
Shrimp = Krevety
Prawn = Tygří krevety
Molluscs = Měkkýši
Mussels = Mušle/Slávky
Octopus = Chobotnice
Scallops = Mušle Sv. Jakuba/ Svatojakubky
Oysters = Ústřice
Clams = mušle
Snails = Šneci
Periwinkles = Plži
Squid = Kalamáry/Oliheň
Cuttlefish = Sépie
Eggs = Vejce
Fish = Ryby
Salmon = Losos
Trout = Pstruh
Seabass = Mořský vlk
Carp = Kapr
Pike fish = Štika
Nuts = Ořechy
Peanuts = Arašídy
Wallnuts = Vlašské ořechy
Hazelnuts = Lískové ořechy
Brazil nuts = Para ořechy
Cashews = Kešu
Almonds = Mandle
Pine nuts = Piniové ořechy
Pistachios = Pistácie
Macadamia nuts = Makadamy/ Makadamové ořechy
Pecans = Pekanové ořechy
Legumes = Luštěniny
Soy = Sója
Soy beans = Sójové boby (sója)
Lupin = Vlčí bob/Lupina
Beans = Fazole
Chickpeas = Cizrna
Peas = Hrách (green peas = hrášek)
Lentils = Čočka
Alfalfa = Vojtěška
Milk = Mléko
Lactose = Laktóza (lahk-toh-zah)
Butter = Máslo
Yoghurt = Jogurt
Cheese = Sýr
Cream = Smetana
Ice Cream = Zmrzlina
Celery = Celer
Mustard = Hořčice
Sesame = Sezam
Sesame seed = Sezamová semena
Sulphur Dioxide = Oxid siřičitý
Sulphites = siřičitany
Food Alergies
Gluten intolerance = Intolerance na lepek
Celiak disease = Celiakie
Gluten = Lepek
Gluten-free Diet = Bezlepková dieta
Lactose Intolerance = Intolerance na laktózu
Lactose = Laktóza
Dairy/Dairy products = Mléčné výrobky
Allergy = Alergie
Allergen = Alergen
I am allergic to (gluten, lactose, nuts,…) = Jsem alergický/á na (+accusative, e.g. lepek, laktózu, ořechy,…)
Dietary Restrictions
Vegetarian diet = Vegetariánská/Bezmasá (meatless) dieta
Vegetarian = vegetarián (veh-gheh-taa-ree-aahn)
Vegan diet = Veganská dieta (veh-ghaan-skhaa dee-eh-tah)
Vegan = vegan (veh-ghaan)
Kosher = Košer
Halal butcher = Halal řeznictví
Buying Groceries
Most supermarkets and larger stores (Albert. Billa, Tesco) cater to the most common food allergies and intolerances offering a range of gluten-free and lactose-free products.
For a wider range of products not containing lactose, gluten and a variety of vegan products you can visit one of these stores:
Country Life
Grocery stores specializing in organic, gluten-free, lactose-free and vegan products.
Melantrichova (Close to campus)
Vinohradská (Close to Slezská)
Francouzská (Close to Máchova and Slezská)
Korunovační (Prague 7)
A chain of stores selling local organic groceries including a selection of gluten-free, lactose-free and vegan products.
Francouzská (Close to Máchova and Slezská)
DM Drogerie
Mainly a drugstore, but selling a wide range of gluten and lactose-free products in the food section.
Another option is shopping online. For more information go to Food Delivery page.
Stores specializing in gluten-free products
Svět bez lepku
Pod Baštami 4, Prague 7 – Letná
Náměstí Bratří Synků 13, Prague 4 – Nusle
Vegan stores
World Vegan
Puro Shop
Halal stores
Chez Amis Oriental Store
Since 2015 all restaurants are required to provide information about allergens in their menus. These are labeled with numbers. You can find the standardized list of allergens and their respective numbers below.
Note: Some restaurants offer a special menu with more info about specific allergens upon request – when in doubt, ask the waiters.
- Grains containing gluten
- Shellfish (Crustaceans) and derived products
- Eggs and derived products
- Fish and derived products
- Peanuts and derived products
- Soybeans and derived products
- Milk and derived products (including lactose)
- Nuts: almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pecans, Brazilian nuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts and derived products.
- Celery and derived products
- Mustard and derived products
- Sesame seeds and derived products
- Sulfur dioxide and sulphites
- Lupin and derived products
- Seafood (Molluscs) and derived products
Restaurant Suggestions:
Lehká Hlava (Clear Head)
Halal Restaurants:
Kosher Restaurants: