Mozart’s Birthday

Friday, January 27 at 6:30 pm (Estates Theatre)
meet the RAs in front of the BB.

1 hour 35 minutes, 1 intermission (20 minutes) 

The concert marking the 267th anniversary of Mozart’s birth features three works from his mature creative phase, in which Prague played a significant role. Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 24 in C minor dates from the same period as Le nozze di Figaro, an opera that garnered its first true triumph at the end of 1786 in Prague. At the time, Mozart was writing his 38th symphony, which he brought along during his first visit to the city, in January 1787, and whose world premiere he gave there on 19 January. In response to the enormous popularity Mozart and his music enjoyed among  Praguers, the impresario Pasquale Bondini commissioned from him a new opera, which would become Don Giovanni. On 29 October 1787, the Estates Theatre hosted its world premiere, with Mozart himself conducting. In all likelihood, the composer completed the Overture to the “opera of operas” in Prague.

Sign up on Jan 21