Steps to take

Steps to take

1. Apply for an appointment with the local Immigration Office/Police Department.  Through APUNE – Association for North American University Programs in Spain – NYU Madrid will get a group appointment for all NYU students. In order to make this appointment, full-academic year students must make sure that during Orientation and by *September 5th, have a copy of the following:

  • Passport picture page
  • 90-day Visa stamp in your passport
  • Stamp of Entry into Spain in your passport (if you entered Europe through a ifferent country you will need to present a ticket or proof of entry into Spain.

*Students who do not ensure that their documentation is in place – by the aforementioned date, could be held responsible for processing their own residency materials.

2. Go to the pre-arranged appointment on the given date (date to be announced later in the semester).  The date is non-negotiable as it is assigned by the Spanish authorities. Please keep this in mind and do not make weekend plans before we receive the date of the appointment from the government. If you cannot make the appointment you must go in person to the Immigration Office/Police Department (Avenida de los Poblados s/n) in Aluche to request another appointment.  Students who go on the assigned date will be accompanied from campus to the appointment by an NYU Madrid staff member.   At this appointment, all students’ fingerprints will be taken and all of you must take with you the following documentation and materials:

  • Original Passport
  • 3 recent ID card-sized pictures with a white background
  • Ex-17 Residency Card Application Form (download here and be sure to fill it out prior to the appointment) EX-17 Application for Residency Card
  • Receipt of payment of the Tax/Fee for the processing of the residency card
  • If you have lived in Spain in the past and already had a residency card you will need to take your empadronamiento certificate, How to empadronarte. If this is your first time applying for a residency card you don’t need to do this step.

3. Pick up your new Residency Card.  40 days after the date of the appointment in which you turned in the above-listed information and had your fingerprints taken – you will return (on your own) to the Immigration Office/Police Department (Avenida de los Poblados s/n) in Aluche and pick up your student residency cards.  You MUST have your original passport and residency card receipt with you or else they will not give you your card.

4. Photocopy and Scan Card! Once you have your residency card in hand – we recommend STRONGLY that you make a photocopy of it AND scan and save it somewhere safe immediately.  Please email a scanned copy of the card to so that we have it on file.