NYU Madrid´s Wellness counselor
We acknowledge that anxiety, depression, substance abuse and other normal adjustment issues may arise in early adulthood and may be exacerbated by the study away experience. This is why we count with Talia Mandell, NYU Madrid´s Wellness counselor who works on campus full time. To contact Talia or to schedule an appointment please write to tmm11@nyu.edu
If you have a wellness related emergency and need to talk to Talia please call NYU Madrid´s emergency phone +34 679 903 331 and let the staff person that responds that you need to talk to Talia.
You can also always contact the 24/7 wellness exchange hotline by dialing +34 900 834 703 (Spanish toll free number) or via the US number +1 212 443 9999 Where you will be assisted by a professional counselor.
I need a prescription
What to do if you come to Madrid with a prescription or need for one?
No worries – NYUMadrid has developed working relationships with English-speaking psychiatrists in the community. We can help you in Student Life to make an appointment with a psychiatrist to help you out with this process.
As always if this is an emergency and you want to speak with an on call counselor immediately: