In a world where media hierarchies are rapidly shifting, what is an artist, a storyteller, a cultural worker? What are the implications of art forms we choose to use or eschew? Who are you as an artist? What does teaching and learning constitute in an “Information Age”?
In the Media Literacy and Visual Culture: Teaching Art in a Digital Age class, students examine the crucial position that media occupies in contemporary society, how it manipulates our youth and influences their priorities and thinking. We focus on why teaching media literacy is essential in contemporary culture, towards the development of a generation of critical thinkers who are responsible media participants, as well as thoughtful media producers themselves. We explore various methods of media making to create original artwork, exploring and employing contemporary art as a way to understand, dissect and critically respond to mass media. The concepts of freedom and control, community and social practice are explored through assigned projects that connect the personal with the academic and social/political.
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