With help from current students and alumni, the Art+Education program hosted an inaugural Urban Zine Garden event on May 13th, 2023 to celebrate and introduce our new Zine Library! The Zine Library is sourced from zines made by NYU Art+Education students and alumni over the last 5 years and specifically through the pandemic as a way of recognizing the creative ingenuity of staying connected and doing activist work through art during this time.
The library includes self-published print and digital Zines; some are personal Zines, while others share a special project or collaboration; current students created Zines for their student teaching experience; alumni artist educators created Zines with their students remotely and in art classrooms around the city. There are also examples of Zines inspired by recent social movements that define our particular moment and time in the world: the Covid 19 pandemic, political commentary, community organizing efforts, and the insistence that Black Lives Matter. These Zines reflect a very particular moment of seeking connection across social, cultural, physical, and political divides and doing visual activist work.
The Zine library will continue to grow and archive the experiences, urgencies, and conversations of our time through the intersection of art, education, and activism. If you would like to submit a Zine to include in the library please contact us at artadvising@nyu.edu.