After listening to Broadcast Show Homecoming

I am a big fan of stories and this form of story-telling – telling through the ears – has its own charm. That the audience can’t see what is happening adds a mysterious shade to the story and really grabbed my attention. It made me more sensitive to the sound and those little details in it, thus producing with imagination my own version of the visional scenes. The clips of papers, the background noise of phone calls and little things just add the touch of realism to it and boost imagination.  I especially like the sound of cutting through the scene, the sound that’s as if all the air has been drained out. It drags me out of the realistic scene and makes me realize that I am actually an observer outside the story, and I can’t help but wonder what is behind those seemingly innocuous voice recordings. I also enjoy the slightly blurred voice effect, which brings me the feeling of actually listening to some confidential, archaic documents and unveiling their dark secrets, rather than just a fictional show.

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