Week 6 First Ride

Ride Story:

It’s a quiet little town, but at night, monsters lurl within. 

The players first encounter the little dragon, then run away into the mother dragon. Unfortunately, when the players flee back to the gate, the mother dragon is already waiting for them. They got thrown out of the town eventually.

I used the layout similar to a Spaghetti layout:

There are lots of twists and turns, I want to make the player feel a bit lost and panicky.

I feel that I should give players more time to look at the dragons, but I also wanna show that players should be afraid of the dragons… Something to be further worked on.

Here are the blueprints:

The Motion Platform

I just tried it on the motion platform and it’s more fun and exciting than I anticipated! Adding in the eratic motions and flips and turns really helps the immersiveness A LOT. I kinda love my ride lol XD

This one is a bit slow on my computer. But I tried again after saving the project and it turns out my computer isn’t so bad — it runs absolutely smooth and nice!

I really love the lean motions when turning left & right, as well as the forward motion when picking up speed. The haptics and shakes when encountering the dragons works well too!

Here is a smooth FPS documentation:

Kinda wish I could stay longer at the ride machine ahhaha.

Looking forward to making more rides!

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