After the inspiration from last class, I wanted to make a music instrument.
I picked a song that I like very much, A Moment of Madness, and searched for its chords.
Then I assembled the cubes to play those chords. I searched for how to “destruct” the music cubes and found that I had to write it this way:
if (Input.GetKeyDown(appearBall))
newInstance = Instantiate(prefab, pos, Quaternion.identity);
if (Input.GetKeyDown(diappearBall))
The rest was tuning the cubes and getting the temple right.
I designed this to be a game where the player can learn about the chords of this song (or just to play along for fun). The player must follow this script:
The former letter is the chord name. The latter is the Key that must be pressed when the singer sings the word.
I then designed the surrounding to be what I imagined appropriate for this song: a bar with dangerous encounters. I hope to see this in VR!
For the environment, I used the 6 sided skybox and set the image wrap mode to clamp. It worked really well!
Hope to see this in VR. Perchance…