Photogrammetry Mini-Project

I chose a deck of my favorite tarot cards as my object. It is for three reasons: It has accompanied me for almost a year, answered lots of my question, seen my joy and tears and witnessed my growth. It is always in times of confusion or difficulty that I sought its advice, so it feels particularly dear and meaningful to me, almost like a far-away friend; it is in the theme of witch and wizards, which is something I liked through my childhood – stories about Harry Potter and magic wands, Hogwarts and spells – so it also carries my childhood memories, fantasy and joy; It also symbolizes the spiritual pursue, and reminds us to look inward and search for the deeper meaning of things – which I think is crucial in a digital VR world.

Final Work:


My work process:


Masked and edited photos:


Point clouds:

Dense clouds:

Merged model:

Textured model:

Polished Model:


I used markers to align the two chunks and used fill-holes in texture to make it seem more coherent. Yet the side-view becomes a little distorted in the process.

Because that I did this project on the public computer in Pusan dorm and I don’t have the administrative license to use Metashape Pro non-demo version (or enter the sudo codes to achieve the license through the instruction provided in class), this model cannot be exported or saved. So in a sense, these documentaries are its last recorded life. Sadly 🙁

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